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Q & A

Aluminum resists rust and corrosion due to the formation of a thin, protective oxide layer on its surface. This oxide layer acts as a barrier, preventing oxygen and moisture from reaching the underlying metal, thus inhibiting the corrosion process.

The surface requirements for aluminum alloy materials in the national standard typically include specifications regarding cleanliness, smoothness, and any permissible imperfections such as scratches or dents. Additionally, the standard may outline specific coating or finishing requirements to enhance the appearance and protect the material from corrosion.

Whether you are in need of aluminum sheets, plates, extrusions, or any other aluminum product, we have you covered. Our sales team is dedicated to understanding your specific requirements and providing you with the most suitable solutions. We offer competitive prices and flexible payment terms to meet your budget and timeline.

In addition to our sales services, we also provide comprehensive quotations tailored to your project specifications. Our technical support team is available to assist you in selecting the right aluminum products for your application, ensuring optimal performance and durability. We understand the importance of delivering high-quality products on time, and we work closely with our suppliers to ensure efficient logistics and timely delivery.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have access to a vast network of resources and expertise. This enables us to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and developments, providing you with valuable insights and guidance for your projects. Our team is committed to delivering exceptional customer service and building long-term relationships with our clients.

Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, we are ready to assist you with all your aluminum procurement needs in Thailand. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us be your trusted partner in the aluminum industry.