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Q & A

Geogrid aperture sizes have a significant influence on their interaction with soil. Smaller aperture sizes allow for better soil confinement and interlocking, resulting in improved load distribution and enhanced soil stability. On the other hand, larger aperture sizes may lead to reduced soil confinement and limited interlocking, potentially compromising the effectiveness of the geogrid in reinforcing the soil. Therefore, the appropriate selection of geogrid aperture sizes is crucial in ensuring optimal soil-geogrid interaction and maximizing the geogrid's performance.

Yes, geogrids are cost-effective in the long run. While their initial installation may have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional materials, geogrids offer long-term benefits such as improved soil stabilization and reduced maintenance. They increase the lifespan of infrastructure, minimize repair and replacement costs, and provide a sustainable solution for soil reinforcement. Overall, the long-term cost savings provided by geogrids make them a cost-effective choice.

Yes, geogrids can be used in load transfer platforms. Geogrids are high-strength materials that provide reinforcement and improve the stability of soil structures. They can effectively distribute loads and reduce the potential for settlement or failure in load transfer platforms, making them suitable for such applications.

Yes, geogrids are typically resistant to biological degradation. They are made from synthetic materials such as polypropylene or polyester, which are not easily broken down by biological organisms. This resistance to biological degradation ensures the long-term durability and effectiveness of geogrids in various applications, such as soil stabilization and reinforcement.

We understand the specific requirements of projects in Lithuania and can provide tailored solutions to meet your needs. Our team of experts is ready to assist you with any inquiries or technical support you may require.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, we have the backing of a Fortune Global 500 company, ensuring reliable and high-quality products. Our procurement services are designed to streamline the purchasing process and provide you with a convenient and efficient experience.

Whether you are working on road construction, slope stabilization, or any other geotechnical project, we have a range of Geogrids products to suit your requirements. Our portfolio includes Geogrids made from different materials, with varying strengths and specifications.

By choosing us as your Geogrids supplier in Lithuania, you can benefit from our extensive experience in the local market. We have built strong relationships with contractors, engineers, and authorities, allowing us to navigate the local landscape and provide valuable insights and expertise.

Contact us today to discuss your Geogrids needs in Lithuania and let us provide you with the products and services that will contribute to the success of your projects.