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Q & A

Plastic nets are used in filtration by acting as a barrier to trap and separate solid particles from fluids. These nets are designed with fine mesh openings that allow the fluid to pass through while capturing larger particles. The nets are commonly used in various filtration applications such as water purification systems, air filters, and industrial processes, where they effectively remove impurities and ensure cleaner and safer fluids.

The weight options available in plastic nets can vary depending on the specific type and purpose of the net. Common weight options range from lightweight nets, such as those used for gardening or packaging, to heavier nets used for industrial or construction applications.

Plastic nets are generally resistant to stains or dyes due to their non-porous nature, making them easy to clean and maintain.

Plastic nets are not typically considered suitable for use in the poultry industry for chicken cages. This is because plastic nets may not provide enough durability and strength to withstand the constant pecking, scratching, and other activities of chickens. Instead, materials like wire mesh or metal grids are commonly used due to their sturdiness and ability to secure poultry effectively.

Yes, plastic nets can be recycled. They can be processed and transformed into new materials or products through various recycling methods.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring that you receive the highest quality plastic nets. We understand the unique requirements of the Israeli market and can assist you in finding the perfect solution for your specific needs.

Whether you are looking for plastic nets for agricultural purposes, construction projects, or any other application, we have you covered. Our products are manufactured using the latest technology and meet the highest industry standards.

In addition to our sales and procurement services, we also offer comprehensive technical support. Our team of engineers is available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance on installation and maintenance.

At CNBM Israel, we strive to build long-term relationships with our clients and are committed to their success. We believe in delivering exceptional products and services that exceed expectations. Contact us today to discuss your plastic net requirements and let us help you achieve your goals.