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Refractory bricks are able to withstand high temperatures due to their unique composition and manufacturing process. These bricks are made from materials with high melting points, such as alumina, silica, and magnesia, which have excellent heat resistance properties. Additionally, the bricks are carefully designed to have low thermal conductivity, meaning they can absorb and distribute heat efficiently without getting damaged. The manufacturing process involves compacting and firing the raw materials at extremely high temperatures, resulting in a dense and solid structure that can resist thermal shock and chemical reactions. Overall, refractory bricks' ability to withstand high temperatures is a combination of their specialized materials, composition, and manufacturing techniques.

Refractory bricks perform well in contact with molten nickel due to their high melting point and resistance to corrosion. They can withstand the extreme temperatures and chemical reactions that occur when in contact with molten nickel, making them an ideal choice for lining furnaces and other high-temperature industrial applications involving this metal.

The common refractory brick failure modes include thermal spalling, chemical attack, erosion, and mechanical damage.

We are confident that our superior products, exceptional customer service, and competitive pricing will exceed your expectations. Contact us today and let us provide you with the best refractory solutions for your projects in Greece.