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Q & A

Fiberglass mesh contributes to insulation by providing reinforcement and stability to insulation materials. It helps to evenly distribute the insulation material, preventing it from sagging or settling over time. Additionally, the mesh acts as a barrier, preventing the insulation material from shifting or escaping from the desired area. This reinforcement enhances the insulation's effectiveness by maintaining its thickness and preventing air leakage, ultimately improving energy efficiency and reducing heat transfer.

Yes, fiberglass mesh can be used for reinforcing tunnels. It is a strong and durable material that provides reinforcement and stability to tunnel structures. It helps to prevent cracks, fractures, and deformation, ensuring the structural integrity of the tunnel. Additionally, fiberglass mesh is resistant to corrosion and has high tensile strength, making it suitable for long-term use in tunnel reinforcement.

The tear strength of fiberglass mesh can vary depending on its thickness and construction, but it is generally known to have a high tear strength, making it resistant to tearing or ripping under normal conditions.

Fiberglass mesh reinforces tiles by providing a strong and durable support system. It is embedded within the tile adhesive, creating a bond between the tile and the underlying surface. This reinforcement helps to distribute stress and prevent cracking or breaking of the tiles, ensuring their longevity and structural integrity.

Our team of experts is dedicated to understanding your specific needs and providing tailored solutions to ensure the success of your projects. Whether you require Fiberglass Mesh for construction, insulation, or other applications, we have the products to meet your requirements. Additionally, we offer competitive pricing and fast delivery to ensure your satisfaction. Trust us as your reliable partner for all your Fiberglass Mesh needs in Belgium. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us exceed your expectations.