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What role does warehousing play in logistics?
Warehousing conditions are specific tangible or intangible places with modern technology. "Specific", because each enterprise's supply chain is given, the place is of course specific storage; of course refers to tangible places of warehouse, yard or tank, under the background of modern economic, storage can also be carried out in the virtual space, also need a lot of modern technical support, leaving the modern warehouse facility equipment and information technology, there is no modern warehousing.
How to classify logistics facilities and equipment is more reasonable and scientific
Logistics infrastructure mainly includes warehousing, carrying facilities, and computing and information communication equipment.Since human society has surplus production, there is storage, and warehouses are facilities for storing materials. In accordance with different angles, features and signs, the warehouse has its own warehouses, warehouses, public warehouses, bonded warehouses and bonded goods. Warehousing facilities play an important role in the whole logistics process:(1) the function of material storage. Any warehouse has a certain space to accommodate materials. The modern warehouse is not only a place for placing goods, but also a variety of facilities, with moderate storage and maintenance functions.(2) regulating the supply and demand of materials. There is a wide range of linkages between supply and demand as well as considerable complexity. When the supply and demand are unbalanced, the storage of the warehouse can act as a "reservoir" type.(3) regulating the function of material transportation. Transport capacity varies greatly because of the different means of transportation. The transportation contradiction caused by the difference of transportation capacity can be solved by the storage of materials, which is the function of material storage, regulation and transportation.(4) the function of material distribution. In modern logistics, warehouses in developed countries have been changed from original storage to distribution centers. That is to say to warehouse homework material sorting, matching, processing and circulation, in the new requirements, the warehouse has material distribution function.(5) the function of material saving. The role of material saving is indirectly manifested. Because people's production surplus is stored for a certain period of time without waste.
What shelves are there in the logistics equipment?
The total number of logistics equipment has increased rapidly. In recent years, China's logistics industry has developed rapidly, and has been paid great attention by governments at all levels, in this context, the overall number of logistics equipment increased rapidly, such as transport equipment, storage equipment, distribution equipment, packaging equipment, handling equipment (such as forklift, crane), logistics information equipment etc..The level of automation and informatization of logistics equipment has been improved. In the past, our logistics equipment was mainly manual or semi mechanized, and the efficiency was low. However, in recent years, the logistics equipment in its automation level and the degree of informatization has been improved, and work efficiency has been greatly improved.Basically, the logistics equipment production, sale and consumption system has been basically formed. In the past, logistics equipment was often required, but it was difficult to find the corresponding production enterprises, or logistics equipment production, but because of imperfect sales system and insufficient demand, the production of logistics equipment could not be completed continuously. At present, the system of production and sales, consumer logistics equipment has been basically formed, the domestic logistics has a number of professional equipment manufacturers, equipment sales of professional logistics companies and a number of logistics equipment, consumer groups, making the logistics equipment can be gradually improved and the development of the system in production, distribution and consumption in.
What are the logistics and warehousing equipment? The more, the better
Plastic tray tray, wooden pallets, steel pallets, storage cage, tchouk frame, logistics trolley, forklift cage, shelves of light, medium, heavy.
What are the third party logistics? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Enterprise self built logistics needs to invest a lot of money to purchase logistics facilities, build warehouse and information network and other specialized logistics facilities. These resources are a heavy burden for the enterprises lacking funds, especially the small and medium-sized enterprises. The use of 3PL not only reduces investment in facilities, but also frees warehouse and fleet funds and accelerates capital turnover.
What is the storage fee?
The storage of goods cost mainly refers to the expenses of goods, which is a part of storage facilities and equipment investment, the other part is the living labor or physical labor storage operation in consumption, including wages and energy consumption etc..
What are the problems in e-commerce, logistics and warehousing?
The logistics industry is between the supplier and the buyer of the third party, to serve as the first purpose. Compared with other domestic industries or sectors of China's logistics industry development lags behind, compared with the development of modern logistics industry in the world, in terms of resource allocation, service level, management level, the use of modern means of science and technology, there is a big gap. Mainly for the logistics infrastructure planning unreasonable, in transportation and transportation, line mileage, density and a low level of modernization, weak ability to resist natural disasters; in storage, our country is in the administrative department for the establishment of the warehouse system, size, number and storage equipment modernization level is low; in addition, the entire logistics industry level of logistics management and logistics information level are relatively low.
What are the common logistics equipment?
According to the service scope of equipment in the logistics activities, it can be divided into enterprise (production), logistics equipment and social (supply and marketing) logistics equipment. Enterprise logistics equipment enterprise fixed assets is part of belonging to the enterprise of its own equipment, such as transport vehicles, the railway line, handling machinery, packaging machinery, storage and construction: social logistics equipment logistics services for the community, belong to utilities, such as transport routes, stations, ports, bridges and tunnels