Foam Filter For Stainless Steel

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The vacuum degree of the ceramic filter is normal and the cake water is large?
The vacuum degree of the ceramic filter is normal at about -0.08MPa. Under normal circumstances, the water content of the filter cake treated with a ceramic filter is about 10%, and the moisture content of the tail filter cake is about 15%. The water content of the filter cake increases with the increase of water content in the ceramic filter.
Why should filter core be used in backwash of ceramic filter?
The filter in the water filter of ceramic filter is used for filtering water.
The efficiency of ceramic filter is low. What's wrong with it?
Ceramic filter by vacuum suction effect in the ceramic filter plate to cake drying purpose, ceramic filter plate needs cleaning and life, if you discover that the slurry sucking effect is poor or even grout should first consider these three aspects:Ceramic filter plateTwo factors of ceramic filter plate most likely, respectively is the rupture and plugging holes: the rupture will lead to distortion and poor vacuum cleaning; plugging holes will cause the filter plate suction effect is poor even if grout, ceramic filter plugging hole, can strengthen cleaning (such as shorten the cleaning cycle, prolong the cleaning time, increase the amount of nitrate), such as strengthening the cleaning effect is still not improved, it should consider the life approaching should be scrapped and replaced with ceramic filter plate new (replacement plate should not put new or different manufacturers is mounted on the same line, best can complete change).Vacuum system failureThe vacuum degree of ceramic filter is usually about -0.085MPa. If the abnormal vacuum is found, the normal vacuum suction can not be provided, and the suction effect will be poor, or even the pulp will not be sucked.If the vacuum is abnormal, should adhere to the vacuum pump, vacuum connection pipe is whether the fault Water Leakage leakage, distribution valve friction sealing, ceramic filter plate is connected with the rubber tube is aging or exfoliation, ceramic filter plate rupture.
How can I avoid the backwash pressure in the production of ceramic filter?
Recoil of the ceramic filter is on the clean water under certain pressure, from the inside out flushing blockage blockage in the ceramic filter plate on the internal pore water pressure, the recoil is generally less than 0.12MPa, the pressure is too small or no recoil recoil effect is not good.
The vacuum degree of the ceramic filter is normal and the cake water is large
There is a difference between the vacuum display and the actual vacuumThe main speed of the ceramic filter is too fastThe water content of the filter cake is gradually increased within 0~8 hours after the equipment has been continuously turned onThe ceramic filter plate does not meet the aperture range and the opening rate is lowThe ceramic filter plate has a near life and serious blockageCeramic filter cleaning standards (acid, ultrasonic, backwash water)The scraper can not be completely discharged, and the surface of the ceramic plate is coated with a thin filter cakeFailure to manufacture equipment or other causes of failure
How many degrees does the ceramic filter melt?
Spinel is basically over 1600-1700. It's not too acid proof.There are other materials such as silicon nitride. Ceramics can be more than 1300 degrees in temperature. So the material you are using now is unlikely to melt and melt, and you can change it into one of the top materials. Baidu, this stuff is all over the street.
What is the filtration accuracy of 50nm ceramic membrane?
The filtration accuracy is the maximum particle size that the membrane can pass through.
The vacuum of ceramic filter is not enough
The vacuum degree of ceramic filter is about -0.08MPa, if the ceramic filter is less than 0.06MPa, the vacuum is not enough. If the vacuum of ceramic filter is not enough, it will influence the suction effect of ceramic filter (mainly the thickness of filter cake and water content of filter cake).