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The main products of the company are facing the country, is a high-tech remote multiple HD monitoring equipment, the company has developed a patented product, the sales department is also just set up, so there is no experience, all the electronic city company let us run it again, the results were OK, find a lot of dealers, now the region is not running I want to recruit agents, in the country, but I was new, really do not know where to start, what are the sites for the release of our products (hardware and software security monitoring information)? And, in addition to the website information, is there any other way? Please master sales, e-commerce experience of the master, and master pointing ah, I thanked the!
I am monitoring security e-commerce specialist manufacturers especially brand, you are such a good idea, implementation is as follows:
Installation process of security monitoring system
5, the construction of smaller quantities, it is best to install the back-end equipment, the installation of front-end equipment, synchronous debugging.When the construction capacity is large, the front end equipment is usually installed and the equipment is debugged after the installation of the back end equipment.6, after the initial inspection, debugging through trial operation, the control organization design approval.
There are two working in front of me, but it is a security monitoring, equipment maintenance, the other one is the equipment installation, do not know what the future is better, and the level of wages, and the work intensity, which is more relaxed, the technical difficulty which is a bit bigger, I hope to help analysis.
The only problem is to solve the following, if you are new, have constant pursuit of life, want to continue to make progress if you don't fear of hardship, suggest that you choose to install, can continue to learn the things you want to learn something slowly learned can also start their own business.
I just do business, security monitoring project, I do not know how to live and run project, please predecessors generous with your criticism!!! Thank you
You can not start the business, first with the line related to do a few years, and so on to find a routine, there are contacts and experience, and it is not too late! Now you go blind, and there's no sense of direction
Security surveillance camera, the camera's 60 shell and 90 shell difference is not 60, shell than 90 shell much smaller?
The 60 housing and the 90 housing are said to be mm in diameter of the camera. Generally, if the shell is small in millimeters, the distance he can reach will be relatively small
What does security monitoring mainly do?
Monitoring should know what it is, not just these, but also to monitor LAN remote monitoring, remote monitoring of external networks, remote monitoring of mobile phones, so that monitoring everywhere.
Every day the main monitoring installation, there are other security products, but also to sell software, learning to install software, this work
It's OK to earn money to live. If you put a sharp point in this regard, which is as indispensable as an industry.
Security monitoring.The security monitoring platform often appear. How to deal with the phenomenon?
Usually in the main menu there is a video set, each channel has to be set, if there is a copy of the function, set one end, and then other copies of the line.