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Im doing a report and I've looked jzt about everywhere and i cant find the answer to this question, please help
Population below poverty line: 21 % (2002)
i replaced my home theater system thinking it was busted but when i recieved my new one it still had the same buzzing sound i noticed the buzz is in the bedroom too
No, it really wont help. I'm not really sure what would help this, or what is causing it. If i had to take a guess, it's gotta be the quality of the wires touching each other likely coming out of a small hole in the back of the entertainment center. Honestly, it could be a number of things, and without looking at it, i have no idea. But a surge wouldn't help. a surge is designed to do one thing, detect power surges and shut down before they happen. It's basically exactly like the surge protector box, except designed to detect a smaller surge, and react quicker, to protect valuable electronics. For things like interference, even if the interference is caused by electrical charges in the power supply (which is unlikely in itself), a surge protector would not be able to detect the interference at all because it isnt sensitive enough, or else it would be able to detect it (also not likely) and would simply flip off every time you turned it on because the interference would simply trigger it. over and over again. For this problem you need to attack the interference at the source. where that is, i couldn't tell you.
hi i have a black glass tv stand which makes the dust very visible, i normally wipe with a cloth, but i don't really want to do this like every time it piles up with dust, is there a thing which removes dust automatically (please give me a link either OKorder or which supports pay-pal) thank you
You could turn your Living room into a clean room, and put on a bunny suit every time you go into it!
I want to use scientific equipment that will measure the electrical conductivity of water. I only want to electrocute the water and measure the current as a last resort.
water doesn't conduct electricity, the impurities in it do salt, chlorine, etc. distilled water has no conductivity.
highest Temperature i can reach in a lab with electrical discharge i do not care if the equipment gets destroyed or not i just want to know the possibility of the highest temperature you can reach with electricity if there is no limit then simply say no limit. if you know the best possible method please explain as much as possible. thanks in advance.
There is a limit. The temperature of an electric arc (the plasma formed by an electrical discharge) is on the order of 10,000 C. This temperature is high enough to melt any substance known and to vaporize almost any substance known. Of course the amount of heat contained in that arc depends on a number of things like the amperage, the electrical power, and the material making up that plasma. You can produce an arc with a flashlight battery but the heat content of that arc is tiny. However, if you are a group of atoms of, for example, copper, participating in that arc, you are going to melt and some of you are going to vaporize. If you want to learn more about exotic ways to acheive very high temperatures (enough to initiate nuclear fusion), google the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and their project on laser ignition for fusion research.
I want to run an appliance that uses DC 5V 2.5A at 6 watts consumption using an adapter from the cigarette lighter socket. I have a standard 12v car battery in the small car. Do i need to get a bigger battery/more batteries, special alternator, or something else to run this appliance permanently?Is there an online calculator to help me work out how much battery power i need?Many Thanks to all answerers.
See your APP. Wattage is 6W So Current It will draw6/51.2Amp from the Battery. The Battery is already 12Volts. Check the AHR(Ampere Hour) of your Battery Divide the AHR by 1.2 The max hour you can use that battery when It is fully charged.
If a landlord is renting out an old home and the tenant suffers regular damage to his or her electrical equipment, would the landlord be responsible for having the building wiring updated so that such damage does not continue to occur on a regular basis? What if the cost of such repairs far exceeds the rent that the tenant would be paying? Would the tenant be legally able to break a lease without paying fines in this type of situation?
If there are NO grounds, as you say, in the building, then anything metal that you touch would be electrified. You would be electricuted. So I find it hard to believe there are no grounds. Depending on the type of equipment you are talking about, make sure that you have the correct ampage. You cant run a 220 electrical appliance on a 110 line. All you are going to do is blow fuses or your equipment. You could also start a fire. As to the answer, Landlord is completely correct. As long as the home meets city code and passes inspections (required in MI for all landlords), then no, the landlord does not have to update the building wiring. I have 13 homes in 4 different cities in MI that I rent out, they are inspected every year or 18 months by law, and if the electrical is not up to code, then noone can live there due to the danger of fire, until it is brought up to code. And the inspectors are hard on landlords when it comes to repairs. Finish out your lease and then move if you are so unhappy. But NO, you cant break your lease because of this.
Hi. I have bought a kiln from Germany which is compatible with our electrical currents here in the UK - that much I know. It is a small kiln and can be used with just ordinary household electric. However, the electric lead is much thicker than the ordinary leads on my other electrical equipment. Is this just for added safety or what? I want to cut off the German plug and put on an English plug so I need to be sure this is ok. Help from a qualified electrician would be preferable if possible please. Thanks so much.
The heavier wire is to prevent overheating. Cut off plug and wire as normal. Live to the right, Neutral to the left and Earth to the front pin. Luck.