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Should people who are over weight have to show proof of disability to use the electric wheel chairs ?? and do you think wheel chairs should be for people only who are realy sick with disability?
well, you have to see on their side , they are over weight and too heavy to walk . then again they can try to walk and lose some weight . i agree the wheel chairs should be for people who are really sick with disability. and they have a disability being over weight. i agree and disagree just look at it from a different point of view. Health High blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, skeletal disorders (such as arthritis and gall bladder disease) are amongst many health reasons which may precipitate a reason for losing weight. Exercise Overweight may preclude participation in many forms of exercise. Handicaps occur due to lack of mobility, flexibility, exercise tolerance and grace of movement. Accidents There is evidence to show that obesity may increase the risk of accident due to limitation of movement and a decrease in mobility, making it difficult to avoid hazardous situations. Physical Discomfort Lack of energy to enjoy a high quality of life, fatigue, shortness of breath, joint pain and chaffing of skin may be experienced.
Hi so today my band teacher assigned us our place in the band and I got second chair for flutes. It's that good or bad? I wanted to get first chair but I guess I wasn't playing my best. :P so is second chair considered good or bad? Will I get anything like special from it? Or should I work my way to first chair since in my school we can challenge the chair above us. I want a opinion so I can make up my mind.Oh and if it helps, the other first chair (we have two groups for flutes) guy is kind of annoying and he always distracts the people around him. I know I should I have a good relationship with others but I dislike him
Guessing you just started? Yes it is. Unless you play professionaly, 2nd chair means you won't last. It's alright if it's just for fun *cough cough failure* but in reality, don't waste your time and quot now. 2nd chair is not good.
If you have a chair that you just love to use for long hours in front of the computer I'd love for you to share it with me. ty
Two items here: I replaced my office chair with high back, neck support plush chair and like it very much. I work from home. The other item is a kitchen timer. Set it for 90-120 minutes, then get up and take a walk when it goes off to restart blood circulation.
I am looking into buying this chair because I think it is beautiful! I plan on reupholstering it in some colorful fabric. She says there are no markings except for a sticker that claims it was reupolstered in 1987 or 1977 hard to read. There are 2 wheels on the front 2 legs. Other than that I do not know much about it. Any opinions or knowledge would be much appreciated, Thanks! The pictures are attached bellow.
I am thinking pre 1950s. Are those the origenal rollers if so a look at the rubber in them will tell more. Mabey 1920s.
How much is it worth?
1. it depends on your server. they have different prices for every item. 2. i dont think the maple story chairs are even tradable. they never have been for quite some time already. just to make sure its the red maple tree chair not some other chair in maplestory like the fish tank or mana pot or w.e chair. its the red maple tree with the red leaves and a redish chair with the maple sign on it. that chair hasn't been tradable for years... it is easy to get thus no one would buy it.
Got a great deal on this modern molded fiberglass chair with a metal base. It's definitely vintage. I just want to know how to tell if it's an original Knoll or if it's a knockoff. Any information would be helpful. Thanks!
If it is a Knoll chair it should have a tag or label on the bottom. If it does not have a label, it is probably a knock off, but still a really good looking chair! You could always try to contact your nearest Knoll Furniture dealer or representative in the area, and speak to them about how to authenticate it and find out when it was made.
Can you rent wheel chairs in disneyland and how much are they???
i think so yeah and i think they are free...
I am thinking of adding a chair railing to my dining room and kitchen. We have an older home and I want to make it looker newer. Would adding the chair railing increase or decrease value of my house if I add it appraised? Will it make it look older?
Chair rail is more traditional, if you plan to sell the home soon this may be a logical investment however as most fads do this one will go away again. Also if you don't have crown molding chair rail may look odd.