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well i have a bad bed head and i dont know if this shampoo works by judging the title either it is only a title or it really cures bed head idk and which kind of smell should i use
If you have bed head just wash your hair in the morning with what you regularly use. If you need to, you can use hair gel to keep your hair in order :)
im so scared that i have bed bugs. i woke up today and i found three red bug bites on my left tricep and one bite on my right forearm. they are a bit swollen and it is hard when i touch it. i looked for bed bugs on my bed but could not find any. my bed sheets, pillow cases everything are white so it should be easy to detect right? do you think i have bed bugs?
Bed bugs are easy to detect when they are adults but not so easy to see when they are smaller. The thing about bed bugs is they don't want to be seen and hide very well. If you think you have bed bugs do not wait. Call a bed bug exterminator that specializes in bed bug eradication and have them do an inspection which is usually free. Have them show you the evidence and/or the bed bugs. The evidence is small black dots on your mattress, bed frame, behind pictures, along baseboards and window frames.
Im redecorating my room and I wanna know what size bed I should get.. so girls, what size bed should I get?
Get whatever size you like, not what we like. I prefer queen or full size, though.
I love this bed...just not the price.I have been looking online, but havent found a bed that is comparable to this one. Any suggestions or direct links to a bed like this one?
Z Gallerie Beds
Not the mattress, the bed.
ikea, bed bath and beyond, kohls,
Do you make your bed every morning, or do you leave it the way it is? It's just going to get messed up anyway.. ?
I make mine everyday. Yes, it will just get messed up anyway, but I like for my home to be clean and neat, and I like to get into a straightened bed at night. It is just nicer than getting into a bed with the sheets all tangled up.
sadly a couple of months ago we discovered that my sister had bed bugs. so we bought her this thingie for her matress ( i think its called protect-a-bed). well now im scared to sit in chairs that she sat in and all that . so i have a couple of ?s to ask about bed bugs1. if she lays on the couch can the bed bugs be in the couch too?2. if i lay on the couch she laid on can that make me get bed bugs too?3. can a bed bug bite you and you never have any reaction to it? and lastly4. how do you get rid of the biteS?
I also have issues with Bed Bugs. I posted my question on wish123 and got an answer from an expert who solved my problem. Worth a try.
what bed is the best for people who are naturally light?i have a base tan, but i wanna get darker!
Oh trust me you do NOT want to get a tan in a tanning bed it causes skin cancer and sometimes sunbathing can cause skin cancer too but I would recommend a spray or fake tan and the best one would be from beauticontrol because you can reapply it so it gets as dark as you want.