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On the direct use of solar energy in humans is still at the primary stage, mainly solar collectors, solar water heating systems, solar heating, solar power, solar wireless monitoring etc.. Along with the development of modern enterprise system in our country's popularization and deepening development of enterprise informatization construction unceasingly thorough, safety and prevention work for enterprises using digital video technology has been combined with the development of solar energy technology represent the general trend, the launch of the real Winncam zero wiring for wireless monitoring solution. (solar wireless monitoring installation renderings)In the modern industrial park, the implementation of video surveillance system, the security department can realize all-weather real-time video monitoring in the industrial park at the entrance, the main road, office buildings, such as perimeter wall sites; the relevant departments can understand the situation, strengthen campus security management, improve work efficiency; the relevant departments can real-time understanding of each monitoring point the leading enterprises in the office; using a desktop computer, you can keep abreast of the real-time status of each monitoring point, handling emergencies, can also record multiple days ago, tracking and analysis, in addition to the establishment of local network monitoring system, but also to focus on remote video monitoring of branches. The actual production of Zhongcheng labor discipline inspection at any time Trw Corporation employees according to the actual needs of the park, some difficulties to take power, we use Solar power supply, with reference to the relevant international standards and national standards, combined with the company's experience in the Industrial Park monitoring and accumulated, the preparation of this zero wiring solar wireless monitoring technology program.
How much does it cost to install solar energy in rural areas
The question is more ambiguous, the installation of solar energy in rural areas there are many kinds of circumstances, is not used all year round, is not the villa type, is not the need for surfing the bathtub?Install solar energy in rural areas, the number of homes decided to install what kind of solar energy.
Buy solar water heater mainly look at what?
Two, after-sales service is very important in accordance with the three products, the principle of service of seven points. After sales service in the choice of solar water heater also plays a big role. With the development of solar energy industry, more and more manufacturers, in these new manufacturers, many do not have plant equipment, parts to take OEM processing, business variables, quality is difficult to guarantee. Due to the small sales, when operating for a period of time after a loss and product quality problems, will run away. The products are sold without service. So in the choice of solar water heaters, the choice of large brand products is essential.
What are the third generation solar cells
What criteria are you referring to?There is not a recognized way of generational change;So there is no way to answer!
Solar products must be in the sun
Solar energy products are generally inseparable from the sun, but there are also some of the solar radiation energy demand for smaller products
Household solar energy productsThe product can be used at home, do not mention the solar energy, answer the water heater
What solar products:The current solar products include: solar water heater, solar lamp, solar battery, solar power, solar fan cap, solar fan, villa solar power systems, solar flashlight, solar charger, solar cars, solar powered aircraft etc..The main components of solar water heater: flat solar water heater, vacuum tube solar water heater, wall mounted solar water heater.Solar lights include: solar street lights, solar garden lights, solar home lighting.Solar cells are: silicon solar cells, multi compound thin film solar cells, nano crystalline solar cells, organic solar cells.
Solar energy product development prospects?
3 local regulations activate the project market, the development of the industry ushered in new growth, the rapid development of solar water heating system engineering market, government policy support. Engineering market is mainly concentrated in the town, the construction of new rural residents in the housing construction, but also for the development of the engineering market provides a new opportunity. To November 2010, some enterprises in the hot water system engineering sales have accounted for the overall sales of 40%, compared with the previous total of only 5% to 15% of the proportion, this growth can be described by leaps and bounds. In the completion of the sale after the maximum sinking, hot water engineering market city building will become the brand of a hotly contested spot, always adhere to the rural areas as the focus of the strategy in the next few years, may turn to the rural market both strategic transformation development market as the leading city.
How to choose a good use of solar energy
Water capacity of water heaterAccording to the number of people, to determine the size of the solar water heater capacity, three of the family at least choose the volume of more than 100L, in general, the larger the size of the solar water heater tank, the better.Domestic solar water heaters to buy the first to determine the volume of solar water heaters. The general situation of the shower, according to the volume of 40-50L/ people to determine the volume of products to be purchased; the general bath needs about 35kg - 50kg hot water (45 degrees Celsius). Because solar non conventional energy in rainy days can produce hot water heater, so choose twice daily water consumption, the sunny hot water thermal storage to be used in rainy days. In the case of two consecutive days, you can choose to use dual-use photoelectric, to ensure all-weather, all year round hot water use