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Advantages and functions of solar energy
The technical field of solar energy utilization: only use solar energy there are three major technology areas, namely solar thermal conversion, conversion and optical shop in addition, photochemical conversion, and energy storage technology. The solar photoelectric conversion, mainly various types of solar panels and solar cell power supply system is to convert sunlight directly into electricity a device can the photoelectric efficiency of the solar cell is about 10-14% and its products are the main types of monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon and amorphous silicon. The domestic product (of a photoelectric device full cost) the price is about 60-80% yuan / Watt Peak. The scope of application of solar cell is very wide. Such as satellites, unmanned weather station, communication station, television relay station the sun, clock, electric poles, black lights, navigation lights, railway signal lights. Solar thermal conversion technology. Most of the products such as water heaters, boiling water heaters, dryers, refrigeration and heating, greenhouse and solar house, Solar range and high temperature furnace, seawater desalination device, water pump, thermal power generation device and solar energy medical appliance
What are the functions of the new vehicle negative ion solar charging humidifier?
Brown vehicle negative ion solar charging humidifier, in addition to negative ions and solar charging function, but also can be used as car fragrance, you can add essential oils.
How to make solar energy?
Do experiment. We put the foil affixed to the box, to reflect sunlight. Then put the metal bottle full of water in the box and secure it with a plastic foam.
How much does it cost to install solar energy in rural areas
With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, every day at home to wash a hot bath has become a modern civilized lifestyle, economical and convenient solar water heater can meet the needs of people. However, in the face of dazzling array of solar products, how can you buy a satisfactory water heater? Himin to remind you that the purchase of solar energy to the four look".A look at the effect of condensing heat collection. The ability of condensing heat collection is an important sign to measure the performance of solar water heater, and is also an important factor affecting the heat gain of solar water heater. Vacuum tube solar water heater collector heart, it will make energy into heat energy, heat water in the water tank, so much the sameexternal conditions of vacuum tube to heat, directly affect the water temperature. At present, the market has two kinds of vacuum tube, a vacuum is manufactured by traditional gradient film tube, the other one is manufactured by international leading interference film patented technology, with the "three high vacuum high temperature resistance, anti cold, more efficient characteristics of the tube, the heat will be increased by 30%. Completely solve the traditional vacuum tube in the rainysky illumination is insufficient when the water temperature is not high, the winter temperature is too low when the solar water heater is not good problem.
Solar energy application technology, there is no prospect
However, from a policy point of view, there is no industry like solar energy so much attention by the country. Compared with the traditional fossil energy, solar energy has obvious advantages. Therefore, the prospects are good.In a word, the future is bright, the road is tortuous!!
What are the current domestic solar energy products, which practical
Our use of solar energy can be roughly divided into two types of light and heat conversion and photoelectric conversion, in terms of household solar water heater and solar photovoltaic power generation.The solar water heater is widely used, manufacturers have Wuxi Suntech, linuoruite, Himin Solar energy, I think the emperor of the more, certainly not bad.
In the domestic high temperature solar energy collector can achieve how many degrees, the existing product and the technology form?
The tower system, Zhongxingpengyue pattern, looks very spectacular, is the image project of solar thermal power generation love. Its size is limited to 10~20 megawatt level, the use of special, very limited usefulness. The tower system operating temperature 600~1000 degrees Celsius, there are several foreign demonstration projects, the home also has heard, but I do not know the specific progress to that stage, both at home and abroad have not heard of commercial operation successfully.Dish type system, the operating temperature of 700~1400 degrees Celsius, stand-alone dozens of kilowatts, the system 5~25 mw. Due to the small machine, a large number of prototypes developed at home and abroad, but also did not hear of a successful large-scale commercial operation example. Due to the use of Stryn hot gas engine, its manufacturing technology requirements are high, greatly limiting its development.
The best authoritative research report, even if their YYThank you for the answer to the first floor, but I found the 2000 water heater Research Report, although a bit long, but you can also use
Competitor analysisThe solar water heater industry faces competition and substitute competition, has formed a professional brand, regional brand, brand and brand-name appliances co-exist in the market, the industry has fish, uneven in quality situation. With the competition and homogenization aggravating industry "reshuffle" is inevitable in the competition, need to break through the differences, creating a unique selling point, can focus on the product itself, can also be separated from the product itself, to create new demand from the consumer point of the competition range, consumers in the purchase of solar water heater in the purchase of solar energy is not, but convenient, safe, saving, healthy use of hot water. If you can surround the tube"