T8 Fluorescent Light Fixtures

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What is ceiling lighting?
The light source comprises an ordinary white light bulb, a fluorescent lamp, a high intensity gas discharge lamp and a halogen tungsten lamp.
What's the difference between the ceiling lamp and the panel light?
The house of the house should be additionally provided with an interlayer.
The principle of the ceiling lamp changing light
A short time after power failure, the chip power supply capacitor rely on stored energy to maintain, temporarily not reset, and started again, again to get a pulse input, output, the control, different lamp is luminous.
There are two fine wires in the rear shell of the LED ceiling lamp. How can it be connected with the wires inside the house?
Both goods, there is no other wire, these two lines is the power cord of the lamp, there is no special description, that is, the use of 220 volts of public power, the lamp should be connected to the switch through the 220 volt power line.
Ask for help to install LED ceiling light friends
For ceiling lamps, ceiling lamps: first the lampshade disassembly removed, remove the simplest method of shade, mask on the side there should be a small arrow, click open, is a live clip, take off the cover will see the wiring, use a screwdriver to remove the zero line line, directly to the end the bottom tray is taken on the line.
Where is the control line of the ceiling lamp and how can I get it?
First of all, to distinguish the nature of the three lines in the ceiling lamp, the three lines are: FireWire line, L line, zero line into line, N, ground protection line PE.
How about crystal ceiling lamp? How to choose crystal ceiling lamp?
, in the material is not too much attention, mainly according to the style of the decoration, personal preferences, and of course study, living room, restaurant should not choose too fancy lighting, very practical, is the key to healthy lighting.
What material is the ceiling lamp made of?
Having seen the inside of the ceiling lamp, let's take a look at its face. There are many manufacturers of ceiling lamps on the market, and the masks are different from each other. The most common are acrylic masks, plastic masks and glass masks.