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Enterprises through ISO certification, you can print on the packaging?
You can print out, but you need to write code by the standard (the premise is the company through product certification), there is a certification company LOGO logo cannot be printed on the packaging box or other products for the product label.
What are the contents of the internal packing labels of the drugs?
Medicines must be printed or labeled in accordance with the regulations and accompanied by instructions
What is the difference between the blue label and the yellow label in the rice seed package?
See certificate of quality. The quality rice seeds are inspected and certified. The date of inspection, the number of inspectors and the special seal are indicated on them. No certificate of inspection, are inferior species.
What is a drug label?
The external label of the drug shall indicate the generic name, composition, character, indication or function, indications and rules of the drugThe content, usage, dosage, adverse reaction, contraindication, notice, storage, date of production, batch number, validity period, approval number, production enterprise and so on. Indications or indications, usage, dosage, adverse reactions, contraindications and precautions can not be fully indicated. The main content should be marked and marked as "see the instruction manual".Drugs that have special requirements for storage shall be marked in the eye-catching position of the labels.
What items should be marked on the labels of prepackaged food packages?
Pre packaged food refers to the quantitative pre packaging or making in packaging materials and containers of food, it is not easy to tell people that the bulk food variety, color, image, smell, can not let people intuitively recognize this kind of food, and feel the quality of food. Food operators and consumers can only rely on food packaging to indirectly identify the merits of food.
What are the basic requirements of national standards for pre packaged food labels?
Labels for prepackaged foods must not be separated from packages. 7, the content of pre packaged food should be standardized Chinese characters, but not including registered trademarks. You can use pinyin or ethnic minority characters at the same time, but not more than the corresponding Chinese characters. It can be used simultaneously in foreign languages, but it should have a corresponding relationship with Chinese characters (the manufacturer and address of imported food, the name and address of the foreign distributor, except the website). All foreign languages shall not be greater than the corresponding Chinese characters (except for registered trademarks abroad).
How do I remove the label paper on the packaging product without leaving traces?
Alcohol, gasoline or nail polish, hand cream and other diluents can help ease and completely remove these stickers.
How can the labels affixed to the bags be removed quickly?
Labeled plastic products, heating directly in a microwave oven for 2 minutes, and then take it out, the label is no longer sticky, you can easily remove the label with your fingernails, glue also clean up.