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5 air conditioning can be used 4 square cable
Lengthened low voltage side, the line resistance increases, the voltage drop increases. Reduced load capacity. So that the router due to insufficient supply voltage and can not work properly. It is not allowed to use 9V power supply. Voltage is too high, the router part of the internal power supply increased power, heat increased, it is possible to burn the router. It is necessary to extend the power cord, I suggest you extend the power supply side (220V one end) safe and reliable. Increase the voltage to increase the supply current, in the electrical working voltage range (with the electrical work voltage range) is allowed, too low electrical appliances can not work properly. Too high there is the risk of burning appliances, according to your actual situation, marked 5V0.2A that the router works at rated voltage, so the way to improve the supply voltage is not applicable. So you can only improve the power supply power (that is, you say to increase the power supply current rather than voltage). With the reserve power, it will provide enough current at the rated voltage (the router as a resistor, from I = U / R, you can know the danger of increasing the voltage) need help please message
What is the meaning of PG + digital markings for electrical wiring?
If no color distinction, 100 meters after you know which line of the fire line which line? The
25 square copper cable how much money one meter?
There is no 1..2..4.5 square wire. The family uses most of the four wires with 1.. 1.. 2.5 and 4. Power 1KW Approx. 5A.3KW Approx. 15A.2.5 square copper wire can be used. Plug or empty open (25A).
6 square cable up to how many air conditioning (1.5P)
1 square millimeters can flow 4A current, 1KW380V, then the current is about P = UI about 2.6A7KW, 380V, then the current is about 18A, each with the line to share 18/3 = 6A2.5 square mm of copper on it. Of the area need to take . probably 6 level. V is probably 7KW220VI = p / u = 7000/220 = 31A. Then need 10 square millimeters of copper.
Does anyone know the "line buckle" classification (including shape / size / material / has been some commonly used size!) Line deduction is a hardware products! For daily necessities!
heat shrinkable casing (MRSG) is a new environmentally friendly halogen-free flame retardant casing, inexpensive products, for wire, cable and wire terminals to provide insulation protection
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If the 2.5 square copper wire for the output extension cable, 20 meters distance, the total resistance of about 2 * 1.7 * 0.2 / 2.5 = 0.272 (ohms), the current maximum 1.8A, the voltage drop is 0.272 * 1.8 = ), The charging voltage is 55-0.5 = 54.5 (volts), a difference of about 1% will not have any impact on the battery. However, the third floor, said Ye Hao, you can put the charger put the debris room, from your house put a 220V power cord down, home and then engage in a switch control. It is best to design a light at home, can intuitively see if the electricity is full. That's better. Design light, teach you a way: to find a bad leakless protector, open there is a coil-like ring-shaped stuff, called zero sequence current transformer, it will be down, be careful, do not put Transformers inside the coil hurt, get down, in the transformer two thin lines connected to a light-emitting diode. And then your 220V power cord line of fire from the center of the sensor through, around 3-5 turns. In this way, as long as there is current flow, the light-emitting diode will be bright, when the charge is over, the charging current is close to zero, the light-emitting diode will be extinguished. You can from the light-emitting diode is lit to determine whether the electric has been filled. I also have an electric bike that is so charged.
3 by 16 cable is a few flat? How? That 5 by 16?
Motherboard and power supply problem, the best way is to try to USB2.0 ban on the use of USB1.1 but will be slower
1000 kW 600 m cable to use much
Such a large load so far away, can only be transported with 10KY, near the installation of the transformer Caixing, if the 380V transmission, cross-sectional area, high cost, loss of large, not worthwhile. 10KV high-pressure delivery, current 55A, with 25mm? copper cable 35mm? aluminum cable delivery on it. If the 380V transmission, according to the line voltage loss simple calculation formula △ U% = PL / CS take △ U% = 5 copper cable S = PL / CS △ U% = 1000X600 / 77X5 = / 385 = 1558mm? aluminum cable S = PL / CS = U06 / 46X5 = / 230 = 2307mm? Line voltage loss △ U Simple calculation formula △ U% = PL / CS △ U% - Percentage of voltage loss P - Active power of conveying (Kw) Distance of L- M) C-constant, aluminum single-phase 8.. aluminum three-phase four-wire 46; copper single-phase 12.. copper three-phase four-wire 77S-conductor cross section (mm?) (quoted from "electrical entrance permit test low pressure Class theory "" electrical engineering basis ")