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What are the four major categories of SUPOR's four different types of cookware?
Recently, the industrial and commercial bureau of Daowai District also tested 56 new "SUPOR" samples in accordance with the mandatory standards of the state
What cookers do you have in 60s?
Tableware before liberation, 50s, the city and countryside with the sea bowl, banquet, tin plating pot, small wine; daily dining with rough bowl (black and white), bamboo chopsticks
What subjects are the kitchen cookers purchased by the company?
specifically for staff medical treatment, subsidies and other welfare funds.
A door to see how to defuse cooking utensils?
Open the door to see the stove, money wasted. The stove is the only Yang Qi, the solitary Yin is not born, the only Yang is not long
What kind of materials do you have in your cooker? What are the points for attention when using them?
a small amount of iron is iron, but too excessive if the liver is not good. Iron rust easily, in the hand, it is not convenient place.
Which is more durable, stainless steel or aluminum cookware?
What people usually refer to is the ordinary aluminum pressure cooker.
Can you make copper cookware
If you use tin wire, tin wire solder test, of course, do not add, unless the pad is particularly strong oxidation, or iron and other unconventional pads.
Who can help me explain the "kitchen utensils, cooker, cooker, tableware" relationship?
according to the ignition mode is divided into: electric pulse profile ignition range, piezoelectric ceramic ignition range