Soundproofing A Floor

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From the troops just down, want to do business. Listen to friends that cork products are more popular, and healthy environmental protection, thinking should be the future trend, so would like to have a well-known brand, you give the provision of protection for the Paihao spring Koopo pseudo-sickle reference, very grateful. Question added: we say that when the specific brand remember to tell me where the manufacturers, do not care to engage in an overseas, I was not the power of that time Oh more
Resistant to it, I also recognize the brand, good quality, in many parts of the country already have a physical store, you can Google their official website to ask you there is no dealer, to get an agent to make money The. My friend dry decoration, recommended to me. Now cork products are still not common, personally think that the brand has to be market test, I recommend the resistance is only appropriate relative to the current industry level to do better. I hope to choose my answer, very hard to answer, to earn your points. Thank you.
Saw a big circle of eyes are spent, the compound is not intended to use high-formaldehyde, solid wood is too expensive and uncomfortable, tiles and ice and cold touch the whip Jizhuang shortage Biao Weibo miles, or cork floor good! How about the Ferragamo Wooden Flooring? More
There are a lot of brands to choose, but also to choose their own Ferragamo wood cork flooring is still a very good brand, the price and service are very good
Home decoration shop what the floor is good, listen to people said that solid wood flooring and cork flooring are good, I would like to ask if there is any used to give a suggestion!
Now many people are using the renovation of the floor. I was the last time a decoration company introduced to me. They are professional to do the renovation, after the shop and the new no difference. I do not believe that I have a consultation, a lot of people say that the renovation of the floor has been shrinking not deformation. Moreover, more than a hundred square meters cheaper than the new floor it
Is it easy to buy cork flooring online?
If it is me, I will not choose to buy these things on the Internet, the floor is not cheap, after all, tens of thousands of dollars on the tripod of the tripod with a lookout, Not satisfied with the return and so troublesome, no one directly to the physical store to buy, although a little expensive, but they have to see a lot of peace of mind
Home decoration to shop the floor, is a good wooden floor or strengthen the floor is good, or solid wood multi-layer is good, very depressed, do not know what kind of election.
Depends on what you look at the advantages of them, solid wood flooring it is more environmentally friendly, but the price is high. Strengthen the floor is resistant to water corrosion, for the daily maintenance of this may be a lot of worry for you. I have a colleague to buy the wood is built on the floor of the wood flooring solid wood flooring floor, the price is moderate, maintenance and comfort are quite good rafts often destroy the defamation rub the whole Shan households, so recommend you choose this.
Jing Lin and how high the cork flooring is good
High cork must be strong
What is the difference between solid wood flooring and cork flooring?
The first: environmental protection: static forest cork flooring manufacturing using natural oak bark, do not destroy natural trees, formaldehyde emission to EO level (only 0.1mg / L); second: mute: every cell is a Small pressure absorber, flexible; each cell is a small shock absorber, safe mute; third: non-slip: anti-slip coefficient of 0.4 to 6, for the excellent (up to 7); fourth: Wear-resistant: the surface of the German imports of water-based environmental PU paint, compared with other lacquer, in the same hardness, strong adhesion film, paint elongation, fracture probability lower than UV paint, wear resistance Is the general hardwood floor 2-3 times; fifth: warm: affected by the environmental temperature difference is small, good insulation effect, if barefoot walking on the cork floor, will feel much warmer than other floors; : Compared with other flooring materials, cork flooring moisture resistance better, paste cork flooring can even be used in the bathroom; seventh: heat: for geothermal heating (heat-resistant range of -60 degrees to 80 Degree), stability and strong; eighth resistance : High-heeled shoes or heavy furniture pressure on the formation of the indentation can be restored; the ninth: safety: because the cork flooring is soft and flexible, it can reduce the accidental fall of physical damage, especially for children and the elderly room; Item: simple: static forest cork floor with a lock-type installation, simple and quick, and maintenance only half dry mop can be wiped, very convenient.
How to remove the paint on the wall
In addition to the original decorative surface layer, such as the old paint. Method: the first water covered with walls, so that the pulp softened, and then shovel from the bottom up to eradicate, oil 籂 笭 burning locusts Hao Hao Feng Fook Kun paint can be hot water, spray or roasted paint remover , To be softened after the film was removed. If you have more questions, you can click on ID consultation.