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Which is more energy saving by using 24V500W transformer lighting and 220V500W lighting?
See whether the lamp power saving, can not see whether it has a transformer, but to see the light efficiency of the lamp, that is, the ratio of light flux to power!Popular speaking, that is, spend the same electricity to see who sends more light!So, when comparing, ask what the light is, then judge again!The luminous efficiency unit is LM/W
The difference between lighting transformers and control transformers
Lighting transformer voltage is generally rated by a group or two setsControl transformers have many levels of output voltage
The transformer zero line has broken, has the result to the household illumination circuit?
The zero line is connected to the transformer neutral point of transformer, three FireWire for its voltage is 220 volts, according to regulations, the total can not take the zero line fuse, switch, because once the zero line is disconnected, the rest of the line will no longer be a neutral line, into the use of electrical appliances connected to two the conductor, according to the characteristics of series circuit, each phase with electrical voltage, on load distribution, change the original load smaller which phase by using electrical appliances, will damage due to excessive voltage.
Why is the two side of the lighting transformer grounded?
Today's lighting products, regardless of the control system or the electronic power system itself, contain many semiconductorsComponents such as rectifier diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, LED, and so on. Semiconductor components are susceptible to staticElectrical damage, the two side of the power transformer grounding, help to produce a variety of factors, high pressure, residual static electricityDrain to avoid static electricity on the main circuit, to ensure product life.
Power and lighting transformers, lighting quality will be affected much?
First look at this light. 24V100W, this specification is common in the headlights of large trucks, filled with inert gas, known as the small sun. Its power comes from a generator or battery, and is lit by alternating current or direct current.
How many power illuminator can 5Kva 36V transformer drive?
By formula: P=UI COSAThat is, the transformer capacity is S=UI=5KVAHow big is the COSA?. Look, what kind of illuminator do you use?. Usually take 0.8-0.9It can be calculated that P is about 4KW-4.5KW (general lighting)
How to calculate the rated capacity of small transformers for lighting purposes?
Capacity of power transformer is the basic equipment for a total capacity of [kW] (maximum power consumption rate by a / X100 capacity) divided by the power load [%] value for benchmarking.
Does the lighting work properly? Doesn't that power equipment start voltage unstable?
Power lines and lighting lines are connected to the same transformer, without affecting the use of a transformer power users, lighting and power are connected together.