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Solar panel for battary charging
Check the rating on the battery. Either look on the label, or look up the exact manufacturer's part number on the internet. There should be an amp-hour (AH) rating. It's very doubtful that the battery is 65 AH, by the way. When you get the amp-hour rating, people can advise you further.
im aware i dont fully understand. but with what i do. if P = iv, and current changes with voltage, whats the point of changing either. if in any cicumstance, you end up with the same wattage, how does changing either effect a solar setup. (2v panel vs 24v)thanks in advance. explain in laymans if you can.
The choice of solar panel voltage comes down more to what the panels will be connected to. You're right that power can remain the same at the different voltages. Higher input (panel) voltages are sometimes used in inverter systems to reduce the effect of voltage draw-down. 2v panels (about 20v open circuit) work well for charging 2v batteries, connected in parallel, through a charge controller. For use of a grid-tie inverter, higher input voltages are sometimes used to reduce the effects of draw-down. You want to select and wire (parallel vs. series) your panels based on the input voltage requirement of the load, whatever it may be.
The maintenance cost of solar panels is relatively low. Regular cleaning and inspection are recommended to ensure optimal performance, but typically, the cost of maintenance is minimal compared to the savings generated by solar energy.
I got an 8v solar panel for a project today, the only problem is that it came without any wires attached to it. Now i don't know what type of wires i should use and if i should solder them on or if i should use epoxy instead. Can anybody help me out?
Most epoxy is not very conductive. I would go with solder.
Can anyone give me a link to a website that sells really big solar panels? Enough to run a small cafe on entirely solar power.
I cannot offer a source of info, but... Solar power is great, but not ideal (yet). Currently, one-story buildings that have a rooftop totally made up of solar panels can only get about % of the power needed by that means. Additional panels will be needed.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a military base. In fact, many military bases around the world have already implemented solar energy systems as part of their efforts to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and promote renewable energy. Solar panels provide a sustainable and cost-effective source of electricity for various facilities and operations on the base. Additionally, the installation of solar panels on military bases can contribute to energy independence, resiliency, and environmental sustainability.
What do these mean? I'm interested in doing a solar panel project. The problem is I know nothing about electricity, wiring, or panels so I've bought a small panel to experiment with first.I don't know what amps, watts, or volts are; what I should be reading on the batteries I will be charging? Or on the small appliances I will be running?The panel I bought has four settings:. 3V ---- 200mA2. 6V ---- 00 mA3. 9V ---- 50mA4. 2V ---- 50 mA(What is mA?)Also, will you give examples of what I can run with this? Make up any scenarios with whatever amps/volts/watts.
mA means milliamps, i.e. 200 mA is the same thing as .2 amps. Amps refers to current and is the unit of measure for electrical current... Anyway, my point is, you are NOT going to be running ANY small appliance with a single solar cell. You might be able to run a small device that would normally run with a battery, but that is about all.
Yes, solar panels can be damaged by hail. Hailstones, especially larger ones, can cause cracks or dents in the glass surface of solar panels, which may impair their efficiency and performance. It is important to note that the severity of the damage will depend on the size and speed of the hailstones, as well as the quality and durability of the solar panel materials.