Solar Module Components

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How to make better use of solar energy
The history of modern solar energy can be calculated from the 1615 French engineer Solomon de Cox in the world invented the first solar powered engine. The invention relates to a machine for pumping water by using solar energy to heat air to make it work. Between 1615 and 1900, the world has developed a number of solar power devices and other solar devices. Almost all of these power plants by condensing method to collect the sunlight, engine power is not the working fluid is mainly water vapor, the price is expensive, little practical value, for the majority of fans of solar energy manufacturing. Twentieth Century 100 years, the history of the development of solar energy technology can be divided into seven stages.
What is the future of solar power
The roof of photovoltaic power generation is less than 2 million monthly sales tax, in accordance with the provisions of the national taxation policy, power users need to provide sales invoices to the power supply enterprise, the buyer also need invoice offset the cost, and the personal power does not have the qualification of business owners, led by invoices complicated procedures. More than 20 thousand of the tax can not get the invoice, it increases the difficulty of the sales of power generation households, is not conducive to promotion. The State Administration of Taxation issued, will reduce the tax burden on household electricity." According to the State Administration of taxation documents, since July 1, 2014, the national Power Grid Corp to buy power products distributed photovoltaic power generation project, by the national Power Grid Corp invoices, monthly household electricity generating sales of more than 20 thousand products, owned by the national grid enterprises in accordance with the taxable amount of the 50% generation of vat. The monthly sales of less than 20 thousand yuan may be exempt from vat. According to the State Administration of taxation policy released last year, from October 1, 2013 to December 2015 3l, according to the 3% levy rate calculation. In Takamatsu as an example, if a month sales of 30 thousand, that he should pay the tax is 30 thousand x 3% x 50%=450 yuan.
Advantages and functions of solar energy
The advantages of solar energy: solar energy as a new energy, compared with conventional energy it has three major characteristics: first, it is the most abundant energy source. It is estimated that in the past 1 billion 100 million years, the sun itself consumes energy in the future 2%. is sufficient to supply earth, using billions of years it is inexhaustible, inexhaustible.
As a new energy solar energy has attracted more and more attention has been paid more and more practical application at home and abroad, I really want to know what are the solar energy application is very hope that we put forward their own views and even science fiction book that I want to do research on solar solar energy market in the military and political life etc.
Uses as follows:Photothermal utilizationIts basic principle is to collect the solar radiation energy, and convert it into heat energy. At present, the most widely used solar collector, there are 4 types of flat plate collector, vacuum tube collector, ceramic solar collector and focus collector (trough, dish and tower). Usually according to the temperature and the use of the different, and the use of solar thermal light is divided into low temperature (<200 DEG C), the use of medium temperature (200 ~ 800 C) and high temperature utilization (>800 C). At low temperature using mainly solar water heater, solar dryer, solar distiller, solar heating (solar room), solar greenhouse, solar air conditioning system, the temperature is mainly using solar cookers, solar thermal power generation heat collecting device, mainly using high temperature high temperature solar furnace etc..
Solar panels with single crystal silicon or good thanks
Strongly recommended products tested in the sun or cloudy days will not be worse than the single crystalPolycrystalline solar panels solar panels with batteries, our company is committed to the development of solar cell production, processing and sales as one of the most professional. Product solar panels: respectively, including epoxy encapsulated battery board (PET process components) monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, as well as laminated toughened glass packaging large components and amorphous silicon solar panels
Is there any water in the solar energy to water?
How much is the automatic water supply set level up to the number 2 can not need to fill 100 set automatic water temperature time to remove any fill
Outdoor solar energy products, how can we do the process of IP65 level, the design of the water which should be noted that what? Beg enlighten heroes!
Sub form to be simple, the need to seal the place where the seal can not add the province.Second, is the protection of components, internal structure should pay attention to water and diversion, it is best not to enter the water.
What are the current domestic solar energy products, which practical
The advantages of solar water heaters and photovoltaic power generation are once and for all, slowly after many years of use can see the advantages of saving electricity bills, but the disadvantage is instability, a lot depends on the intensity of light.