Slim Trash Can Stainless Steel

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What kind of garbage can be packed in a red trash bin with a green trash bin?
Green placed other garbage except kitchen, Recyclable and hazardous waste outside the cigarette butts, dust, disposable diapers.
Yesterday (before it was good), drag the file into the trash can or right click into the trash, the computer will pop up dialog box: "Finder" want to make changes, enter your password to allow the implementation of this operation. I enter the password, the file is gone, not in the trash, the search file is not found, which heroes know what is going on?
Upstairs to say yes, is not you delete the file settings in the choice of direct deletion - completely removed, rather than into the recycle bin".
Who will buy the property in the new district? Property companies to use the property to buy it? Please expert guidance, and say the theoretical basis, thank you!
The first batch of new residential garbage by developers or construction unit configuration, because it belongs to the district sanitation facilities, set up by the property company, general planning, the developer responsible for the purchase or by the property after the purchase by the developers to pay.The dustbin after the property company to configuration, because all things lsnrctl will be worn out by the property management companies, or management unit is responsible for the loss.
Our district is a 32 storey high-rise buildings, the property only placed a trash on each floor of the downstairs space, no matter where you live one layer, each household has to take a unified garbage downstairs, property companies should not waste disposal are set on each floor of the Fang MaI'm sorry, the title is wrong, oh, is to ask the property in the high-rise residential buildings are placed in a unified collection of garbage everywhere, or just placed in each downstairs can be a
It is best to put only one trash at the end of the building, the owners themselves down. Because each layer will appear a flies, mice, cockroaches and other insects, there are problems of odor, the recovery is not timely, and cleaning garbage are sitting on the elevator, the elevator can take up a long time. Although placed in each house to the owners of a more troublesome, but always ask than the smell of the flies to be much better. It depends on the individual qualities of the owners, and some owners you put a trash bin every layer, he would also like to throw or just put the door. Some bags are not directly thrown into the trash, sewage cross flow, the floor inside the smelly, even if the smell is still difficult to clean up the moment.How to look at the specific property contract agreement, there is no agreement, the property company on their own arrangements on the line. As reasonable.
What kind of trash can?
Domestic waste can generally be divided into four categories: recyclable waste, kitchen waste, hazardous waste and other waste. At present, the main methods of waste disposal are comprehensive utilization, sanitary landfill, incineration and composting.Recyclable garbage including paper, metal, plastic, glass, etc., through a comprehensive recycling, can reduce pollution and save resources. As per recycling 1 tons of waste paper can be made of paper 850 kilograms, wood saving 300 kg, 74% less than the amount of pollution per production; recycling 1 tons of plastic beverage bottles can get 0.7 tons of two grade raw materials; each recycling 1 tons of scrap iron and steel smelting steel can be 0.9 tons, compared with ore smelting cost saving 47%, reduce air pollution dye 75%, reduce water pollution and solid waste 97%.Kitchen garbage, including leftovers, bones, such as cabbages leaves food waste, bio technology in-situ treatment by composting, to produce 0.3 tons per ton of organic fertilizer.Hazardous waste, including waste batteries, waste fluorescent tubes, waste mercury thermometer, expired drugs, these waste requires special safety.In addition, ceramic tile Other Waste including outside the several types of waste residues, toilet paper can not be recycled to sanitary landfill can effectively reduce the surface water and groundwater, soil and air pollution.
Today in the network to see the cream of the crop of intelligent ashbin, a little curious, is not a trash?
Intelligent trash, microcomputer control chip, the first infrared detection device, composed of a mechanical driving device and a connecting rod mechanism, automatic switch cover, is a high-tech new product of machine, light and electricity in one, with reliable performance, long service life, low power consumption. Smart people do not need to contact the trash, trash can be part of any garbage, to prevent cross infection, environmental health, elegant; no external power supply, the use of ordinary batteries, low power consumption, long service life; good sealing performance, reducing the life of all sorts of bacteria to probability of cross infection, no odor of garbage overflow sure, surrounded by fresh air.
What are the pebbles placed in the trash
1, the production of rice is no pollution, no radiation and environmental protection of natural stone. It is hard, has good resistance to wear, corrosion resistance and other characteristics. Long term does not change color, do not degenerate. And they don't trash but color more eye-catching, or trash good decoration.2, they are acting as smokers used to eliminate smoke, avoid high temperature burning trash surface cigarette. But don't press squeeze in the cigarette butts, they will soon go out.3, they can also be used to give a person spit chewing gum, spit, avoid these sticky things contaminated trash, and they replaced regularly to keep the trash cleaning.
Stainless steel trash GB is what?
General specification for CJ/T 280-2008 plastic garbage binCJ/T 17-1999 urban environmental sanitation equipment waste transferTechnical specification for construction waste disposal of CJJ 134-2009CJJ/T 156-2010 evaluation criteria for domestic waste transfer stationTechnical specification for CJJ 47-2006 municipal solid waste transfer station (note)JB/T 10855-2008 refuse transfer station equipmentQC/T 52-2000 garbage truck