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A few weeks ago I planted some little venus fly trap seeds in one cup of peat moss, mixed with one cup of vermiculite. And every other day I give them a spray of distilled water. They're in indirect sunlight in a window that usually stays open. But I've seen no progress, they're not growing.Did I kill them by using the vermiculite?
Vermiculite will hold more water but tends to bunch together and eventually break up. Perlite will keep it's shape longer, retains moisture and helps aerate the soil.
I am completely re-doing my gardens. What is a good soil mixture to hand make? I am using fox farms top soil to replace the other soil and maby leave some original for nutes it carries. I know there is more I could do to the soil before i spread it. I want to take it put it on a big tarp and spread the other parts to it. Any good ideas? Like 4 parts this 3 parts that ect? Thanks
Fox Farm soil is excellent quality potting soil, but this would make a very expensive addition to any outdoor garden. There's nothing wrong with this, but most people would rototill in organic amendments, like manure, leaves, and compost instead. Pretty much the more the better, in my opinion.
ok so my leopard gecko will be laying eggs soon. i know that you have to keep the vermiculite damp for the eggs..but how do i do that? do i just wet it once or mist it all the time with the eggs still in there?
Vermiculite an Perlite
then why do people use it for setting reptile eggs in (such as bearded dragons) during incubation..I want to breed my bearded dragons in like a year or so.
After they hatch the babies will most likely not eat until they have had their first shed - which on average is about a week later. Remove access to the vermiculite and just use paper towels as a subtrate and create a standard moist hide. So after they shed, just offer them food and they should eventually start eat by themselves. The food offered should be no bigger than the width between the eyes. Thats is pretty much, most people don't normally have any problems raising leopard gecko bubs. Hope this helps!
i have 80% cow manure and 20% worm castings for soil ...i need help on mixture
Pure vermiculite will work fine.
ok so i have a new lasiodora parahybana and was wondering how often i should clean her enclosure.i use a mixture of vermiculite (80%) and top-soil (20%) for the substrate.I keep it at about 70-80% humidity with the aid of a sponge and water dish.i feed it a small cricket everyday.I noticed that the tank just really stinks getting to the point, how often should i clean it?i don‘t want to disturb the stress level of my spider by removing it from it‘s enclosure and wrecking her burrow to clean out cricket husks every rather than, how often should i clean the enclosure, i guess i‘m really asking on how should i clean the enclosure?a lot of internet sources give me different advice.i was wondering on getting help from someone who has had a brazilian salmon pink bird eating spider and would like to pass on the knowledge.
you get so detailed! not needed, well in my opinion. tarantulas are wonderful keeps because they are so hardy and easy to care for. ruin her burrow, shell make another, it happens. if you need to then do so. I just used some spanish moss for my ground, but you have a burrowing spider so i think sand should actually work better. and probobaly hold less smells and what not. Alls you need to do is remove the T, moving her to another tank. and replace the groundingbedding, floor, whatever you want to call it. clean out her burrow, dead cricket build up inside the tank is whats causing the smell most likely. and you dont need to feed it once a day. actually a couple crickets every couple days or so is just fine. mine hasnt eatn in a few months (by choice, ive tried feeding her, its just what they do / ) feeding less often will keep smell down hopefully because less waste.
Okay, i wanna make sure i did everything right. Okay so i got magic mushrooms spores (panama strain) and okay so i got the vermiculite, as directed, and brown rice flower, and put a bit of perlite. okay so once i made the mix i put it into 5 cups and injected the spores into the cup and put another layer of tin foil( so there‘s two layers of tin foil on it) okay, so after i did that i put a towel over it and put it in my closet a dark one, is there anything i need to do to make sure it grows, or just leave it? please tell me if i did anything wrong and this is just hypithectical, if i were to do this.
Make sure it gets alot of light and you sshould be all set.
If I use vermiculite or pearlite with my plants would I still be able to say I grew my plants organically?
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