Q Antum Solar Module

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Do you find batteries die faster than they should, light bulbs flicker or go out too quickly, electrical equipment does werid stuff or dies sooner than it should. (If you don't believe in vampires, this question is not directed at you.)I suspect it's more of a psi-vamp than sang problem, but I'm currious. I've had some weird experiences with the computer and one small printer ar work. Also, I had a period where remote controled TV's would go on by themselves. I don't have that problem now, though.
I do know that i have lots of problems with electronics ranging from computers to cell phones, and and watches to mp3 players. I'm not sure how common that is for vampires or what it has to do with being one though.
For civilian populations as well as the military? Why is our government not doing enough to protect civilian populations in this country?
First of all, the cost of producing an EMP weapon that could effectively disrupt equipment in an area larger than a few square meters would be astronomical. Second, it would be much more effective to initiate a cyber attack which could produce exponentially more damage than an electical magnetic pulse. Third, electrical lines generate significant amounts of EMI and EMF so it really is not necessarry to harden them. It wouldn't really proctect them, they don't need it. By harden I assume you mean EMP sheilding typically used in military sytems?
does it or not losers??
Brass is used in a lot of electrical equipment because it is a good conductor of both heat and electricity and is hard wearing and does not corrode quickly in many environments. The pins on electric plugs and their corresponding sockets in the wall outlet are usually made of brass. Martin
Also, do students studying to become either one of these need to study things like how to program an java and stuff?
electrical engineer deals with electrical equipments(like motor,drive,plc),automation process etc and a mechanical engineer deals with mechanical equipments (like compressor, refregeration,air conditioning engine etc) both of the engineers need to know programming language. but it is not necessary to learn java
I am studying in college to become an electrical engineer but there is one problem, i'm almost clueless about what i'll do once i graduate. like at what kind of companies and places will i work at? what will i be doing? whats it like to be an engineer? what will be my dutys?. and also how much does an engineer (more specifically the kind in my field) earn? really need to know this. thanks
I okorder
Fires are classified by the fuel involved. Name the type of fire extinguisher which must be used in the event of the each of the following fires 1. Cooking oils 2. Flammable liquids 3. Electrical equipment Thanks.
I just got a cpu cooling system (fan/heat sinc) the fan stopped working, ive blown it out and it still will not work. I dont feel the need to replace a brand new fan. Any ideas as to what went wrong with it?
Since it's a brand new fan, that's all the more reason to look into replacing it. See what kind of warranty you've got with it, or just take it back. For all we know, it could have been a dud straight from the factory.
If humidity of a spacecraft is too high, how can it affect a crew and its equipment? what if it was too low?my sister did not get to go on her field trip but they gave her the worksheet this is the only question she cant answer please help!
Humidity must be controlled on spacecraft. If the humidity is too high, then cold parts of the ship will experience condensation. If the condensation occurs on electrical equipment, there could be a short circuit. If the humidity is too low, then the astronauts will get dry skin and be uncomfortable. But it is probably better to err on the low side.