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What are the types of things I need to know about starting a real estate company in Oregon?
Do you want to go into commercial real estate? Or manage residential homes? Do you want to buy/sell or rent/lease? Do you have prior experience in evaluating properties or have a deep understanding of the areas you wish you sell in? If you haven't taken real estate courses and received your license, I highly recommend doing that. Although real estate can be a lucrative business, it also takes a lot of research and work. If you're going into commercial real estate, the below website can be a good source of information for you.
pricing commercial real estate
Market parameters for pricing commercial real estate. What commercial real estate? Is it a store, is it a gas station is it a xmas tree farm, is it a golf course? Who knows with your question.
what exactly do they teach you to get it?why do i have to get a license to deal with real estate?do they teach how to fix houses..how to expect prices of houses will behave or what?how long does it take to get it?what are the qualifications to get one?does it really help me if i dont have any past experience in real estate?i know alot of questions....thanks
The only thing the real estate schools do is teach you how to pass your state real estate exam. Once you have accomplished this feat, it is up to you to educate yourself on other aspects of the real estate industry that you want to excel in. You should also make sure you have a copy of your state's continuing education requirements. This is required for you to continue to be a real estate agent in your state. Now the stuff you speak of in your question might or might not be apart of the continuing education requirements. These type subjects are for your on edification. Each state has it's own requirements so hit the Internet for your state and find out the requirements. You should be able to find out by going to a site such a California department of real estate or whatever state you are located in. If you just want to buy and sell your own real estate you do not need a real estate license. You only need a real estate license if you plan to sell other peoples house and work for a real estate brokerage firm. To pass the real estate exam you will be taught everything you need to know. You will not need any experience at all. I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck. 'FIGHT ON
I did some research on the work of a real estate agent and I feel like I would really like the job. I know it all depends on me but I'd like to hear some opinions from real estate agents, brokers or anyone who has an opinion about the job.
I'm starting next week on my studies. The comission is great. Lets say you sell a multimillion dollar house, you'll easily walk away with atleast half a million in comission. Typically, one sale equals several thousand. I'd say that and if your into looking at different homes, having your own hours, and being out in the streets while on the job; it can be very ideal. The major con, is the recession. The economy seems like it's shot even though they say the recession ended, what, about a year ago? The housing market is in a bad state. It would be tough to make a sale, especially for a new agent. But if you already have a part time job like me, I think you could do it without struggling financially any worse than you already are..
I have heard that there is plenty of money to be made in real estate investing but I don't really know how true this is. I really want to know before I put in my hard earned money.
If you have capital to invest, and are a wise investor , then it's possible. But do your homework before you put one dollar on the table.
Ok so right now I'm 16 and i have an interest in real estate and also in a side job. I'm going to be attending college in a couple years to get some minor degrees such as building, business, mechanical, and drafting. And i was wondering if being a real estate agent would be appropriate for me right now. I know now's not the best time to sell. But if i sell one (1) small property, that would pay as much as i get in a year at my little call in part time job. I also am friends with many of the Realtors around the local area, so i know that would help. So my question is, would this be a suitable job for someone like me? Is there an age requirement? Does it take more the two semesters to get your license? And is this a full-time, hands-on, type job?Thanks!
No. Real Estate is no different than any other profession. It takes time, money and self discipline to make a living at it. Some of us that have been in this business for more than 20 years, are struggling financially. It really is a 24/7 -365 job at the whim of others
Okay, so I'm a little weird but I LOVE spending free time browsing redfin . And I'm not even in the market for a home! Real estate just fascinates me BIG time. I'm a stay at home mom but when my young ones get into school full time, I'd love to find a job in real estate. With that said, I'm not a huge people person so dealing directly with buyers/sellers doesn't interest me. I'd like to do something a little more behind the scenes, on the technical side. Not really sure if there's a profession for that. Obviously i don't want to just do data entry (I have an unrelated Master's degree) so is there something that is very real estate oriented that doesn't involve talking to people on the phone all day and meeting up with people for showings?
So in other words you just want to live out your dream but not do any work related to the real estate industry. Yeah no there aren't any jobs that fit your description. I would have said real estate assistant but that requires answering the phone, dropping off and picking up keys, dealing with the website, contracts (IF licensed), etc. But no one will hire an assistant who won't answer phones and do data entry. You made it clear you don't want to be a real estate agent either. You can't work as a conveyancer because you don't want to do data entry and answer phones. Really, it's a fun idea but since you're unwilling to do anything related to the industry (our business is 80% dealing with people, even as assistants, conveyancers, etc), it kind of means you can't get any jobs in it.
1. What is required to become a real estate agent2. How long will that process take (estimate?, shortest time and longet time possible please)?
Wow, on the first answer. I am a new agent (1 year) and have been VERY successful in this down market. Basically you need to search for the Real Estate Commission in your state. There you can find a list of approved schools and what is required. The courses aren't too bad and generally you can take the course on line and as quickly as you can get it done. Find a Good agency to work with after you get your license. It is expensive as you have to join Realtor boards, the companies themselves. Get with a Well-Known company (ie. REMAX (who I am with) and you will reap the benefits of their name. Good Luck.