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I don't like to use the rechargable batteries for my digital camera because I don't have the time to constantly recharge. I'm leaving for Europe tomorrow and want to know if there are any standards for packing batteries in the checked luggage because I would think that they maybe aren't allowed in the carry-on -- don't know though.
Well, if you are coming from the USA, then the best I can suggest is to either declare your possession of the batteries at security checkpoint or to a TSA officer. I'm not sure if they will take them away, but you can call the TSA or the airline of course, and they will tell you.
I was wondering what these are called and where I can buy them. They are the type that come with television remotes/toys/some cheaper digital cameras.etc. They are those 2 pack batteries that are wrapped tightly in a thick plastic without any paper/cardboard packaging. The link is a picture of what they look like except the ones I am looking for are Duracell Branded.
I am going to stop short of calling them OEM batteries, other than to say if you specifically want a large quantity of Duracell branded batteries packaged like that, you need to call Duracell and order them that way. I have seen some manufacturers bundle pairs or quads of cells like that, but sell them in bulk packs. But not Duracell or Energizer.
i have heard i have to buy a cooler, a rechargeable battery pack, what is absolutely necessary and what's not?
nothing is super necessary, but the intercooler really helped me out, because my 360 would always over heat and freeze up and now with the intercooler it only does it every once in a while. The rechargeable battery is nice to have but if u have that then u need a charging station or a play n charge kit. the only reason its nice to have is that u dont have to keep buying AA batteries
I have been using the Battery Pack from the Play Charge Kit on my Wireless Limited Edition Xbox 360 Controller for A While now. And now just recently, while I have been also using the cord from the Play Charge Kit that charges your Battery pack Controller, The Colour of the light on that has been changing from no colour, To red, And To green about 1 time every minute. Also, Whenever I press the Xbox Guide button, It keeps saying the battery life is jumping around from 1 - 4. And I don't know how to fix it. So I would be really happy if someone could please help me figure out what's wrong. Thanks!
Rechargeable battery packs lose their charge after awhile. It happens to all rechargeable battery packs. Happened to my Play and Charge too. You'll need to buy a new battery pack or just buy a whole new Play and Charge kit.
i have had a rechargable battery pack for my xbox 360 wireless controller for a few months and its the kind where u take the back of and but it on a charger and when its charging it turns red, and when its dsone it truns green, lately it become dead and i put it on and it does green insteadof red, it did tht for a few months but still charged it, now it barely charges it. what is wrong and wat do i do?
you simply need to replace the batteries. rechargeable batteries loose the ability to retain power. i also have rechargeable batteries for my xbox controllers and i would say batteries last about 5 months with regular usage.
I am creating a lighting system for a replica of The Ghostbusters Proton Pack. I have two different battery operated holiday light sets to reproduce the effect the movie props had. Both use 3 AA batteries can I wire a single battery pack and a toggle switch into both? I assume I would then need 6 AA batteries? Thanks in Advance!
Batteries in series add their voltage. Batteries in parallel add their current capability. By hooking both lighting systems to one battery pack you are going to drain the batteries faster. The concept of 6 AA batteries I would use 3 D size batteries if I was working with lighting so the battery would last longer and if I used rechargeable batteries, I wouldn't have to recharge them as often. Just some friendly advice - Garth
I am thinking if the bike comes with SLA batteries of 10Ah, I could cheaply make a NiMH pack with 2Ah (bunch of AA cells) to boost performance. I am thinking of connecting it parallel to the SLA batteries (+ to +, - to -). I am thinking this will slow the discharge rate on the SLA and also reduce the depth of discharge, causing the SLA batteries to have much a longer life cycle.
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Hi. I just brought the Xbox 360 Play and Charge Kit for my wireless controller. This kit works when the console is turned on, or when I'm playing a game. However, how can I charge the rechargeable battery pack with the play charge kit when the Xbox 360 is turned off? Also, what colored lights should I look for to see if the battery pack is being charged, or done charging?
Yes, it will work when your xbox is off, I don't believe you will see any notification lights. Its works because the Xbox is plugged into your wall, just because the Xbox is off doesn't mean its not recieving any electricity. So the electricity the xbox isn't using is just going to the charger in the controller.