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How can I install the patch LED lamp belt on the wood chip casting board? With double-sided glue will be hot, and can not use the clip on the screw, what should I do?
More attention is paid to the lamp with waterproof and the installation of a solid in the outdoor installation, outdoor installation often adopts the mode of fixed card slot, need to cut and connected place, and indoor installation, just need another with waterproof glue, waterproof effect to consolidate the connection point.
Is the forward voltage drop of the patch LED too large or too small?
The pressure drop in the normal range is generally better. The smaller the pressure drop, the lower the power dissipation. The more you save the electricity bill.But not to say that the smaller the better, not in the normal range of low pressure drop products may be defective.In addition, the uniformity of the LED pressure drop is also important.
Patch LED features
The seismic resistance, high reliability, low operation cost system.It is easy to small, thin, lightweight, easy to shape without restrictions, made all kinds of application.
What, in what way do I shunt the LED?
LED lights are current driven, first of all, look at your LED's IF and VF values. How much power do you have?. Make sure the current is in line with the IF and the current limit can be achieved with resistors.
SMD LED lamp working voltage?
Voltage range of white LED lamp: 3.0-3.4VThe pressure drop of the red LED is 2.0--2.2VThe yellow light emitting diode has a pressure drop of 1.8 - 2.0VThe green light emitting diode has a pressure drop of 3 - 3.2VThe blue light emitting diode has a pressure drop of 3.0-3.4VSMD voltage is basically the same as double lead line. Current is generally 20~60mA, and some work current can exceed 100mA.
LED patch lamp band, how to calculate how many watts a meter, such as 3528-60 beads is how much?
LED patch lamp with 3528-60 beads should be 4.8W/ meters.Because the LED light belt is made according to the manufacturer's standard, the parameters are different, and the parameters of the LED lamp belt and the method of use are best connected with the manufacturer's confirmation. Some common parameters are given here for reference only
What does patch LED light mean?
The patch may be said, adding that the patch board PCB light source, light source lamp light source generally refers to, patch may refer to the combination of PCB plate and two lens beads.
Notes on patch LED
Clean, do not use an unknown chemical liquid to clean the patch LED: an unknown chemical liquid may damage the patch LED. When necessary, immerse the patch LED in alcohol, less than 1 minutes at normal room temperature, and dry naturally for 15 minutes before starting to use