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What is the difference between KT board and PVC foam board? Which is used in the subway transfer channel (pictured) advertising material?
But you can press the inkjet screen, if it is very soft and somewhat flexible, will be concave is KT board, kt board is the foam board. The main feature is light. Low cost, mainly for indoor short-term advertising display board. Are posted on top of the stickers or painted cloth printed cloth. Pvc foam board is relatively hard, relatively kt plate weight a lot, while the price will be very different, the price is generally more than 5-10 times in the kt board, generally used for indoor and outdoor long-term advertising show. More used to do laser engraving words and body. So the two players are better distinguish between kt board or pvc board ? From the map you can also be directly posted on the wall that is sticky painting
We have a hot water leak in the house that could lead to break the floor slab for repairs. The plummer plans to reroute the hot water pipe to pass through the ceiling instead on the floor but suggested to use pvc or plastic pipe? He said he's been doing it for about 6 yrs and encounter no problem? What's your idea?
PVC is not supposed to be used for any domestic hot water system where you have a water temperature of at least 120 degrees F and a pressure of at least 65 PSI. And actually the working pressure of the PVC pipe at say 140 F (for a commercial application) will go down dramatically to between 48 and 80 psi depending on what site you are looking at. But the bottom line is that it is not safe or practical to use in any domestic application where pressures can run between 45 and 95 psi.
Pvc board ceiling how much manual
Look at how big your squares are ordinary people and you will not be square
At present home decoration used in white, beige panels have those? Type with PVC board?
Similar to PVC is a polymer-free paint panel
What is the difference between pvc floor and marble floor?
Pvc floor foot feeling more comfortable, the friction is not easy to walk than the marble is not easy to tired, sound-absorbing performance, plastic than marble strong, strong color performance, maintenance and more convenient.
Pvc board how to buckle indoor wall skirt
Replenishment is actually everyone needs to do, but also to maintain a normal operation of the human body the best way: 1, but at the same time pay is very emphasis on the method, because the intercellular stroma between the human body is a channel, the channel is allowed to pass through the water after the water can be directly into the body to fill the water, this type of water we Called small molecule water. 2, and the general water does not have this effect, a lot of macromolecules can not directly enter the human body, so that not only can not play the role of replenishment, but also have a reaction, stay in the extracellular adsorption of impurities in the body, so Not only can not play the role of water, but also play a reaction.
Imported PVC flooring and domestic PVC floor What is the difference
PVC floor in the specifications, the domestic PVC coil floor width is generally narrow, 1.2 meters -1.5 meters, while the width of imported PVC floor is generally 1.5 meters -2.0 meters. In terms of thickness and color, due to the late start PVC flooring, it is relatively simple. China PVC flooring trading network, in the PVC sports floor production, the domestic manufacturers started late, there are some key technologies are not resolved, the domestic production of a small number of manufacturers.
Acrylic PVC organic board What is the difference between these three materials What is the difference
Acrylic chemical name: PMMA good light transmission, the board is more brittle, blister forming effect is good, mainly for light box plate Organic chemical name: PS good light, the board is more brittle, plastic molding rate without high acrylic, mainly for light box plate PVC material performance unfamiliar