Led Internal Wall Lights

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LED what's the wattage of the wall washer?
LED wall washing lamps generally have high power and small power points, you can according to the needs of the project to customize the different length and power of the wall washing lamp. Large power wall washing lamps, conventional use of 1W high-power wall washing lamp, a meter can do 15W, 18W, 24W, 36W and so on.
Can the LED wall washing lamp be used for indoor lighting?
In theory, it's entirely possible. Wall washing lights are just a waterproof LED light fixture, just higher cost and better quality..
Is the power consumption of LED wall washing lamp high?
One of the reasons that LED wall washing products stand out in many products is that it consumes less power, saves resources and reduces expenditure economically. The main reason is that the internal current is a constant current during the manufacturing process. After using this current, no matter how long the lighting is used, there will be no more power consumption due to the increasing brightness, which is popular and willing to accept.
Led why does the wall washing lamp come out in various colors?
It's made of 3 color LED, with an external controller that combines different colors
What are the quota for LED wall washer and floodlight in list pricing?
English Led wash wall lamp, also called linear LED light and so on, because the shape of strip, some people call it LED line lights, its technical parameters and LED light similar to a circular structure LED cast light lamps, LED wall lamp using PU waterproof breathable micro valve to solve the internal and external balance of pressure and waterproof lamps, while the heat sink strip structure is becoming more and more a good deal.
LED how far can I wash the wall lamp?
General wall wash lamp can illuminate 1-9 metersSmall power wash wall lamp using the patch lamps, power can achieve 10W, 12W, 15W, 18W, irradiation distance of 1-1.5 meters
Line lights can be used as wall washing lamps?
LED wall washing lights let the lights wash like water. The effect here is that the LED wall lamp lights the wall, almost the same way as the light bulb, but the effect is softer. The LED line lights are mostly used to outline the outline of the building, or made digital screen effect, of course, may also be installed in the corner, so that the lights found on the wall, but LED wall washing lamps more flexible.
I have a construction site. I don't know whether to use LED line lights or LED wall washing lamps. Where are the 2 differences between them?!
Indoor recommendations with LED lines for outdoor recommendations use wall wash lamps