Laminate Flooring Instalation

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my daughter had a pee pee accident last night on her bedroom floor and didn't tell us. when I woke her in the morning, the damage was done. I wiped it up, but there is damage starting at the seams....please help...
If you are noticing moisture damage at the seems, then you either have a very cheap engineered hardwood floor or a laminate floor. If you are seeing separation of the laminate or swelling of the joints, there is little you can do other than waiting for the floor to completely dry. If the swelling/separation remains, then the only option is to replace the damaged planks.
is it necessary to seal a concrete floor when laying engineered hardwood floor?
You really need to check with the manufacturer of your flooring but many manufacturers recommend that you cover a two or three foot square area of the concrete with a sheet of plastic with all of the edges sealed with tape so any moisture that might be migrating up from below the slab will be trapped. You let the sheet set undisturbed for 24 to 48 hours. If there is a moisture, you will see drops of water or at least the concrete will be damp. If this test shows no moisture then you don't have to worry about sealing the concrete. In any case most engineered floor systems use a thin plastic foam sheet that when completely taped at the joints serves as both padding and a vapor barrier.
I had planned on installing solid hardwood floors in my house and now I found an engineered hardwood floor that I would like to put in instead. Will this cut my installation costs at all and by how much?? Thanks :)
It depends on the type of engineered you're interested in. Some engineered floors can be floated, and others offer a glue-down option. This can mean that you can do the install yourself without having to worry about hiring a professional, or worrying about nail-guns or other equipment you're not used to. And some engineered flooring is available at a more reasonable price, just because the real wood dimension is a veneer. You're the best judge of what any of this can mean to your budget. But in general, I'd ,make sure to ask your seller about what the installation options are for the type of engineered floor you're interested in. Good luck with your installation!
What brand / type of adhesive can we use to glue down the engineered wood flooring on concrete?
its a special glue made for glue down laminates and engineered.. it is made for this project and many brands exist. Now are you aware that a glue down job is not for amateurs or someone with limited skills.. you work in small sections having the pieces cut before hand most of this stuff dries to set in less than 10 minutes..
My kitchen has an engineered wood floor that needs to be replaced. It was is glued to my concrete subfloor. There is no underlayment -- it's just glued to the subfloor. From repairing the floor I know that when you remove the planks, chunks (not huge, but still very noticeable) of the subfloor come up with the planks due to the glue, leaving the floor unlevel and with varying texture. I don't want to go through the hassle and mess of having someone remove the wood floor, and then sand down and/or use a self-leveling material on the subfloor before putting a new floor down. I'm thinking that the existing floor is already a smooth surface. Can I just put a new floor over it? To avoid removing the existing floor I'm happy to put down any type of new floor that will work (linoleum, laminate, wood, tile). Please help!Thanks
A floating floor (laminate) would work fine if the raised height is not a problem.
You can scratch marks: scratches in painted brown or light colored leather leather oil, oil and paint on the door must be color light similar, with a dry cloth and rub along the grain, until the color of wood covered deep scratches, and waxing and polishing.
Good evening. I'm currently having a contractor install engineered hardwood on my steps. I have 3 planks that are 3/8 think. He is in the middle of construction now.
Engineered Hardwood Stairs
Multilayer solid wood floor and single layer solid wood floor which is better?
It's too arbitrary to say that! Solid wood flooring is formed by direct processing of wood flooring, solid wood flooring is also called the original floor, with no pollution, the pattern of natural, elegant, rich perceptual quality, should emphasize the real advantages of flexibility, is the preferred material at home decoration in the laying of the floor. Its disadvantage is the large color, not wear, easy to lose luster.