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I was thinking of becoming an interior designer and working hard enough at a business to buy my own first small home, and then flip it while living in it, repeating that process until I had enough money to start my own business.What are other tips?
Become a contractor , which is a fancy way of saying , excavator, mason, rough and finish carpenter taper/plasterer painter , plumber , and electrician, and otherwise aquire all the necessary building skills. We may never (hopefully) go through another real estate market of the past decade. It was a bubble and I have been through a bunch of them ( mostly under republican administrations, I'm just sayin' ) However the concept of fixing up old houses is a proven economic engine, it just needs to be real substantial changes, not changing out perfectly good functional fittings and finishes, just for the sake of changes. I hate to break it to you but esthetic taste is the least difficult talent, to aquire, and after you work on your first couple hundred homes everyone develops the sense of what works, and what doesn't.
Method and steps of slope repair by excavator.
The slope is an inclined plane. Turn left and turn right | general dig one or more like groove, to make reference to the sample groove is generally a bucket width, by the excavation line to the excavation line, line connection, and then by the sample groove extended into a surface. In the second case, it is harder to cut from top to bottom. In the slope below the ground excavated roadbed. Turn left turn right | repair this slope is more complicated, many factors, such as irregular excavation line slope ratio (the ratio of height and width of the slope), table height etc..
somebody says that the experimental setup for measuring the speed of the light in Fizo's experiment is the largest machine is that right?
The largest operating man made machine in the world is the CERN LHC. The Bagger 288 comes in second. Here are the details of both machines for you. The Bagger 288 is the largest digging machine in the world. The bucket-wheeler excavator named Bagger 288 (Excavator 288) is built by the German company Krupp. More specifically, it is a mobile strip mining machine. It is the largest tracked vehicle in the world at 13,500 tons. However, Bagger is powered from an external source and is more correctly described as a mining machine which can be moved, while the crawler-transporter was built as a self-powered, load-carrying vehicle. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator. It is now the worlds largest operating machine. It is expected that it will address the most fundamental questions of physics, advancing humanity's understanding of the deepest laws of nature. The LHC lies in a tunnel 27 kilometres (17 mi) in circumference, as much as 175 metres (574 ft) beneath the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva, Switzerland. I must make a comment concerning 'Flossie's' answer as balderdash. If he/she had done a little research, telephony or communication networks are a series of massive devices of which includes, computers, servers, satellites and transmission microwave towers, transmission wires, and not just 'one' machine. Just a point of correction. Hope this helps you. Regards, Warren
i am moving to london nxt month and will be looking for work on the buildings labouring- driving a telescopic forklift or excavator.does any1 know if theres a good chance of getting work and what is the average wage for it?
Although the construction industry is suffering a slow down London always is very busy. Search the web for recruitment consultants, there is always a lot of competition for skilled employees with them. A google search for construction recruitment london returned 450,000 results so I think you should find someone that can help.
What exactly do they call this type of mini 4 wheeled tractor? like not the brand but category i think? like how some are called excavators
Would you like to have a go with a JCB?
yes I'm trying to find the closest route to Australia I'm going around the molten hot core of the earth - yes i am a genius----not
AKERMAN EW150 is one of VOLVO former production for industrial excavator.
Hope okorder
I'm considering purchasing a Sandfish Skink (Scincus scincus) and am wondering whether or not Excavator substrate would be good. Please don't warn me about impaction for using sand; these guys live in the desert.
no not at all