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Short, and feel the body can not bear the weight of the disc like askew, leaves are still yellow, is not to chemical fertilizer?It's not planted in the pot. There's a small plot in my yard. But the soil is not so good. It's a deep layer of soil bought from the construction site. It's yellow and sticky. Can I apply some fertilizer?
You planted it yourself. Where did that seed come from? Is your harvest, or their raw sunflower seeds directly saved seed?This is the cross breeding offspring separation phenomenon, we use the general production called F1, need a special department of seed breeding, these seeds will yield strong, but if you take these seeds out again in sowing, there will be serious character separation separation performance, differ in thousands, one that you see, no wonder.
My family only raised a sunflower, and there was no planting around it. Now the disk is big. How can we finish the pollination? Can pollination bear fruit?
You must mate with flowers before you can bear fruit
What is the name of the dish painted by the chef?
Skirt skirt.. It's very seldom used now.. Used all the time. Now, thanks to the plate update. These are all overdue. But it is still in use engraving. No, no.. Take some parsley instead. Now there is use of pigment in white paint on the side of the plate. Simple and elegant.
At the sunrise and sunset, are the sunflower discs facing?
With the sun spinning, morning, East, afternoon, West
What's good about making sunflower dishes and drinking tea?
Sunflower flower cup tea, with clear heat, flat liver, analgesic, hemostatic effect. It has a wide range of uses. Here are some of the major treatment options for diseases:Sunflower pan fried gray grinds end, take 5 grams, rice wine delivery service, 3 times a day, can treat functional uterine bleeding.With the bent stem of sunflower plate 1, chopped, decoction, take medicine when the tea, and even served a few days to be effective. Or 30-60 grams of fresh flowers, fried water. At the beginning of uterine bleeding jiyong.Pan fried water with brown sugar drink, can treat dysmenorrhea......This seemingly insignificant thing has such a great benefit, so don't throw away these plates in the coming harvest season, and make it waste to the treasure.
Urn breeze sunflower plate powder is national medicine or health care products?
Food (solid drink)
24 speed mountain car rear wheel disk is the maximum number of stalls?
A few stalls depends on the one you are hanging in front of! In front of the most small bowl, the back is the first line
All I know is that the chuck is holding the workpiece. What about the faceplate?
Generally used to process the center of the plate eccentric, or only processing a section of arc