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I riped two solar panels out of some solar light and tested them. I found out that they both produce 2 volts(I have no idea on the watts or amps). Iquot;ve hooked them up to an electric motor that can be driven by a AA battery, but when I hook the solar panels up to them nothing happens. What is wrong?
Mark G has a good answer. If you leave your voltmeter on the solar cells when you hook up the motor, you will see the voltage drop to near zero. Same thing would happen if you tried to use 2 9 volt batteries to start your car. They just cant maintain the voltage when high curent demands are made.
Solar panels can increase the resale value of a home due to their potential cost savings and environmental benefits. Studies have shown that homes equipped with solar panels tend to sell faster and at higher prices compared to similar properties without solar installations.
Why should I have a Generator if I have Solar Panels.....?
There is now a completely portable (and ultra-high efficient) solar power generator which produces up to 800 watts of household electricity on demand when you need it most. News of this solar backup generator (it's the first off-the-grid breakthrough in 50 years) is spreading like wildfire all across the country!
Yes, solar panels can be used to power Wi-Fi networks. Solar panels generate electricity from sunlight, which can be used to power various devices, including Wi-Fi routers. This allows for the establishment of Wi-Fi networks in remote or off-grid locations where traditional power sources are either unavailable or unreliable. Additionally, solar-powered Wi-Fi networks are environmentally friendly and sustainable, as they utilize renewable energy sources.
The maintenance requirements for solar panels typically include regular cleaning to remove dirt and debris, checking for any damage or wear, ensuring proper electrical connections, and monitoring the performance of the panels. Additionally, it may be necessary to trim nearby trees or vegetation that could block sunlight and reduce the efficiency of the panels. Overall, proper maintenance helps to maximize the lifespan and efficiency of solar panels.
How much solar energy does a 2m by a 3m solar panel convert to energy on a sunny day? Assume that the solar cells are 30% efficient.I'm not looking for the answer so much as I need an explanation o how to solve this type of problem... Thanks!!
You have the area of the solar panel. You know their efficiency. What you need to know now is the energy (per area) delivered by the sun. The energy delivered by the sun can be found on the internet. Earth ,43 – ,32 W/m? (wikipedia) That is offcourse for your solar panels perpendicular to the ray's of the sun. If they are under an angle you should see what the area of the projecton of your solar panel is on a plane perpendicular to the ray's of the sun. So know you have the intensity W/m? and an area (or effective area). Here you go the energy deliverd by the sun. And 30% of it is what you get out of your panels.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power a bank. Solar panels can generate electricity by converting sunlight into energy, which can then be used to power various electrical systems, including those in a bank. By installing solar panels on the roof or surrounding areas of a bank, it is possible to generate clean and renewable energy that can offset the bank's electricity consumption and reduce its carbon footprint.
Solar panels can potentially interfere with satellite dish reception if they obstruct the line of sight between the dish and the satellite. However, modern satellite technology and proper positioning of both the panels and the dish can often mitigate any negative impact on reception.