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Home decoration shop what the floor is good, listen to people said that solid wood flooring and cork flooring are good, I would like to ask if there is any used to give a suggestion!
Now the floor is divided into three kinds: composite flooring, solid wood flooring, solid wood flooring performance ratio: composite flooring general price of more than 100 are waterproof, texture is relatively hard, more wearable, but can not repair damaged wood composite flooring is not waterproof, Paving available keel can also be ground leveling, the price is cheaper than the whole solid wood floor, floor and surface material is different, damage can not be repaired, with a certain degree of elastic foot feeling solid wood flooring, foot feel good, flexible, but the price is high, soft texture, Can not use hard objects contact, but with a repairable, more delicate need to regular maintenance, repair prices are relatively high
How to put the first piece of tiles. How to know when the brick side straight straight.
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Home to decorate, I prepared with my husband to install cork flooring. Because this do not understand, do not know which brand of cork floor is better? Asked the use of cork flooring pro to answer, in addition, our budget is not very high. More
Oscar, this is the national standard cork flooring brand
What kind of floor ah? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
The floor is divided into six categories: laminate flooring, solid wood flooring, parquet, bamboo flooring, cork flooring, geothermal heating floor. Understand the classification of the next we understand their respective advantages and disadvantages of it: 【Advantages】 ■ strengthen the composite floor wear / color more / stability good / easy to install / easy maintenance ■ solid wood flooring no pollution / pattern natural / foot comfort / Insulation / refurbished ■ solid wood composite floor natural / foot comfort / insulation / stability good / easy to install and maintenance ■ bamboo floor color small / high hardness / stability strong / no pollution workers bite escape Gu 墚 the moth double valve Poor sense of foot / poor repairability / formaldehyde release 【Disadvantages】 ■ strengthen the composite floor foot feel poor / repairable poor / formaldehyde release problems ■ solid wood flooring easy to deformation / not wear / fear of acid and alkali / fear of burning ■ solid wood composite Floor price is high / wear resistance is enhanced floor bad / difficult to identify ■ bamboo floor color single / foot feel cool / vulnerable to sun and humidity
Is it easy to buy cork flooring online?
If it is me, I will not choose to buy these things on the Internet, the floor is not cheap, after all, tens of thousands of dollars on the tripod of the tripod with a lookout, Not satisfied with the return and so troublesome, no one directly to the physical store to buy, although a little expensive, but they have to see a lot of peace of mind
The advantages and disadvantages of cork flooring
The advantages and disadvantages of cork flooring...
I do not want to install a wooden floor
The door saw some
What is the difference between solid wood flooring and cork flooring?
The first: environmental protection: static forest cork flooring manufacturing using natural oak bark, do not destroy natural trees, formaldehyde emission to EO level (only 0.1mg / L); second: mute: every cell is a Small pressure absorber, flexible; each cell is a small shock absorber, safe mute; third: non-slip: anti-slip coefficient of 0.4 to 6, for the excellent (up to 7); fourth: Wear-resistant: the surface of the German imports of water-based environmental PU paint, compared with other lacquer, in the same hardness, strong adhesion film, paint elongation, fracture probability lower than UV paint, wear resistance Is the general hardwood floor 2-3 times; fifth: warm: affected by the environmental temperature difference is small, good insulation effect, if barefoot walking on the cork floor, will feel much warmer than other floors; : Compared with other flooring materials, cork flooring moisture resistance better, paste cork flooring can even be used in the bathroom; seventh: heat: for geothermal heating (heat-resistant range of -60 degrees to 80 Degree), stability and strong; eighth resistance : High-heeled shoes or heavy furniture pressure on the formation of the indentation can be restored; the ninth: safety: because the cork flooring is soft and flexible, it can reduce the accidental fall of physical damage, especially for children and the elderly room; Item: simple: static forest cork floor with a lock-type installation, simple and quick, and maintenance only half dry mop can be wiped, very convenient.