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Do you see the star light on the wall or the wall?I want to put it out in the open space on the outside, just like the effect of the fireworks. I stay in the sky. I don't know where there is such a star light. I can see the effect in the air
3PVC transparent film (film slide projector available instead). 4 markers. 5 star pictures.
Who used the romantic four star projection lamp? 160
Oh well, small room has a very romantic feeling, just install more trouble, this stuff is fine, easily broken, buy the best quality and more secure, Taobao ah all shopping websites are available, the price is generally in the range of 15-50, not sure can buy comments.
Adult science, starry sky projector, install the light bulb is not bright
It is a simple circuit with a multimeter measure circuit, switch, lamp bulb, batteries
What are the common projection lights?
Projection lamp? Not heard, but heard the projector, hey!
Where is the projection lamp?
In November 2014, Yue photoelectric second generation projection lamp series products related technical patents and all products patent declaration completed. In January 2015, the 3 production lines of Le Di photoelectric projection lamp broke through the production of 2800 units for the first time. In June 2015, the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries joined the business began to discuss the issue of Le Di photoelectric matters. In October 2015, Le Di photoelectric third generations votedShadow lamp series product research and development completed, related technical patents and appearance have been declared.
Recently, a LOGO projection lamp appeared on the market. What kind of lights are used in daily life?
Mention Logo projection lights, advertising projection lights, many people will consciously believe that the product is only applicable to a wide range of forms of advertising, in fact, logo projection lamp products can also be applied to the daily home life. Today, Zhengzhou Le Di photoelectric
How to distinguish the true and false of projection light bulb?
1, look at the light bulb lamp wall, there is a group of real numbers, clear printing, suffused with soft and natural luster, and not easy to wipe off, this group of fake numbers because wear will incomplete, even if the re printed, gloss is also bleak, the handwriting is not clear, hard wipe will erase.2, a small lamp bulb above the iron pole, which is breaking the "lock" and lamp wick, old lamp replacement wick must do hands in this small iron head, "natural" and acquired installed there is always a little difference.However, as the craftsmanship is becoming more and more sophisticated, the two methods of identification are not entirely absolute, even though professionals may not be able to tell the difference.
Where can I find a Star Projector in Linyi?
A lot of places, you can go to some jewelry stores such as seven or female a few to see, or to buy a Taobao. I was in Linyi last year, the students gave me a birthday.