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Is the granite floor harmful to the human body?
In the light-colored series of green granite, sometimes with a brightly colored green, emerald green, basket of green special minerals one day river stone. (R., RbCs) (AlSi308)], so the green granite containing the minerals of this kind, the radiation intensity may be too large.
How much money is a cubic meter of granite
The final account of both parties will agree on the price of granite stone, but I now make the budget, only the general offer is not bad on the line, but not too much, so want to master for help.
How to distinguish between type I and S granite
The difference between type I and S granites is that they form different source rocks. I type granite (I type granite) is a series of quasi-aluminum calcium alkaline granite rock in general, mainly a variety of British cloud diorite to granite diorite and granite. The granite source rock material is not the weathering of the igneous rock melting, is the product of the continental edge of the event, referred to as I-type granite. S-type granite (S type granite) is a source of sediment to the source rock, after part of the melting and crystallization of granite. Granite (Granite), the main component of the continental crust, is a kind of magma in the surface below the formation of igneous rock [1], belonging to the deep intrusive rocks. Mainly in the form of minerals such as quartz or feldspar. The granite language is the Latin granum, meaning grain or grain. Because granite is a deep diagenetic, often able to form a well-developed, visually discernible mineral particles, hence the name. Granite is not easy to weathering, beautiful color, the appearance of color can be maintained for more than a century, because of its high hardness, wear resistance, in addition to the use of high-level architectural decoration works, hall floor, or open-air carving of the preferred material.
How is the granite floor refurbished and maintained?
First, the granite floor renovation needs to refurbish the speed and weight of the machine, grinding the marble refurbished machine but also the effect and the 260 kg granite grinder can not be compared
What type of rock is the granite?
Granite is a magmatic rock. Granite (Granite), the main component of the continental crust, is a kind of magma formed in the surface below the formation of igneous rocks, the main components are feldspar, mica and quartz. The granite language is the Latin granum, meaning grain or grain. Because granite is a deep diagenetic, often able to form a well-developed, visually discernible mineral particles, hence the name. Magmatic rock, also known as igneous rock, is formed by the magma sprayed on the surface or into the crust cooling and solidification of the formation of the rock, there are obvious mineral crystal particles or pores, accounting for about 65% of the total crust. Magma is hot and viscous in the depths of the crust or from the upper mantle, containing volatile silicate melts. Is the formation of a variety of magmatic rocks and magma deposits of the mother. The whole process of magmatic occurrence, migration, aggregation, alteration and condensing diagenesis is called magma.
How to maintain the granite
Granite is a volcanic eruption of the lava under pressure in the ground slowly after the formation of solidification of the tectonic rock, is a deep into acidic igneous rocks. Because of the compact structure of granite, high compressive strength, low water absorption, high surface hardness and other advantages, many building decoration will use granite as decoration decoration materials. After processing the granite mostly used in the external walls of dry hanging, outdoor floor pavement, indoor floor and wall of all kinds of decorations, including indoor threshold, floor and cabinet countertops more granite. Whether the granite is used for the ground or the table, the protection is essential.
Dry hanging granite how many square meters
Granite, the main component of the continental crust, is a kind of magma formed in the surface below the formation of igneous rocks [1], the main components of feldspar, mica and quartz. The granite language is the Latin granum, meaning grain or grain. Because granite is a deep diagenetic, often able to form a well-developed, visually discernible mineral particles, hence the name. Granite is not easy to weathering, beautiful color, the appearance of color can be maintained for more than a century, because of its high hardness, wear resistance, in addition to the use of high-level architectural decoration works, hall floor, or open-air carving of the preferred material.
The same grade of marble and granite that expensive?
marble! Most people are using granite, and marble workmanship of course than the granite to be careful! It is easy to accident where the place will choose marble! So marble is expensive