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Coal washing products are primary energy, or the two energy?
Such as coal (coal), oil, natural gas, wind, water. Ocean energy, geothermal energy and nuclear fuel. The primary energy is converted into other forms of energy, such as coal gas, coke, electricity, steam and other petroleum products. It is called "the two energy source"
Which products need to be marked energy efficiency logo
That nearly two years of practice, energy efficiency labeling system can promote the improvement of energy efficiency and energy saving technology, promote energy product market to efficient market transformation, plays an important role in regulating the energy product market, energy saving, protect the environment. Based on the severe energy situation and significant implementation effect, the promotion of energy efficiency labeling system is imperative. September 18, 2006, electric washing machines and air conditioning units are also included in the energy efficiency labeling products directory, for the relevant enterprises, they face not only challenges, but also more opportunities.
What are the tax policies for renewable energy companies?
First, there is no exemptionThe development and utilization of support for renewable energy, energy consumption structure for improving our country's great significance, with the speeding up of the rapid economic development and energy consumption, China's renewable energy development and utilization of tax policies to support increased year by year.The vat has 5 main: since January 1, 2001, belonging to the biomass energy waste generation implementation of VAT refund policy; since January 1, 2001, the wind power generation value-added tax levied policy; since 2005, the denatured fuel ethanol production and marketing enterprises designated state approval of the sale of VAT refunds; in the county the following small hydroelectric power production units, according to a simplified method in accordance with the 6% tax rate to calculate VAT; VAT rebate policy for hydropower enterprises.Consumption tax, since 2005, the state approved the production and sales of fixed-point fuel ethanol production enterprises to be exempted from the consumption tax policy. Part of the tax preferential policies, although only applicable to individual enterprises, but played a good role model.
At present, what are the main types of new energy vehicles?
Hybrid electric vehicle:Refers to the use of conventional fuels, while with motor or engine to improve low-speed power output and fuel consumption models. In accordance with the different types of fuel, hybrid vehicles can be divided into two types of gasoline hybrid vehicles and diesel hybrid vehicles. At present, the mainstream of hybrid vehicles in China are mainly gasoline hybrid, while the international development of diesel hybrid models are relatively fast.
And the world's oil futures and other energy futures prices related to China's domestic futures varieties which futures? Seek expert futures and futures experts cited. Thank you
Fourth: PP (polypropylene), plastic, PTA, as well as Zheng Chun (MA)! In addition to the oil products, such as soybean oil, palm oil.
What are the economic operating standards for energy equipment and systems?
The core of building a resource conserving society is to correctly handle the relationship between man and nature, through the efficient use of resources, rational allocation and effective protection, economic and social and ecological sustainable development. The basic symbol of a resource conserving society is the harmony between man and nature. 1, the establishment of national policies and laws and regulations to conserve resources to strengthen the country in all areas of growth and comprehensive conservation management. In the organization of the preparation of the "11th Five-Year" national economic and social development master plan, special planning, regional planning and urban planning, we should save resources in the central position. The government should improve and perfect the resource conservation policies and regulations and supervision system, formulate corresponding policies and measures to encourage the economical use of resources, improve regulations and standards, the implementation of resource consumption and pollutant emission control strictly, and strengthen the binding force of saving resources work. To study and formulate "energy conservation law" and the "Cleaner Production Promotion Law) supporting regulations and regulations comprehensive utilization of resources, recycling of renewable resources, develop the industry of high consumption of resources to improve market access standards, the main energy efficiency standard, organization revised the main energy consuming industries for energy conservation design, develop key industry clean production evaluation index system.
What is terminal energy consumption
The term energy consumption is mainly used in the energy industry, especially in the power industry. The following is a detailed description of the form of energy consumption: terminal energy consumptionThere are two forms of energy consumption, one is the direct consumption, also known as the terminal consumption; the other is the processing and conversion of consumption, also known as intermediate consumptionTerminal consumption is for intermediate consumption, refers to the energy is not used for intermediate processing conversion, but directly into a variety of heating, power and other equipment for production and non production activities of consumption, including:
Just hired, listen to the boss, in the United States seems to be subject to tariff barriers, it seems that Europe has to impose punitive tariffs...... Would like to ask the industry, the market will be the future development of the market?
Survival of enterprises will have a new world. But trade may be harder to do,