Galvanised Iron Wire

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I want to install an LED and I need to splice into a wire.How exactly do you connect a new wire to an old wire? Do I cut it? Then what? Solder?
You can use a Scotch Block Electrical Connector, or Scotch-Lok if you put them on correctly you won't have any trouble with the connection, these are fast connectors. If they are going to be outside in the dirt and rain, heat shrink wrap them, you should really always do that but especially out in the weather.
A 41.7-kg sign is suspended by two wires, as the drawing shows. Wire 1 makes and angle of 42.2deg with the horizontal and wire 2 makes an angle of 58.8deg. Find the tension in wire 1 and wire 2.
To solve this, you have to find 2 equations, because there are 2 unknowns. Assume, Tension in wire 1 = T1 Vertical component of T1 = T1 sin42.2 Horizontal component of T1 = T1 cos42.2 Tension in wire 2 = T2 Vertical component of T2 = T2 sin58.8 Horizontal component of T2 = T2 cos58.8 Since the sign board is in equilibrium, the forces must balance each other. Horizontally, the horizontal components of both forces are balancing each other. Therefore, T2 cos58.8 = T1 cos42.2 T2 = (T1 cos42.2) / (cos58.8) -------------------(1) For the vertical components of the wire, both are balancing the weight of the sign. T1 sin42.2 + T2 sin58.8 = (41.7)(9.8) T1 sin42.2 + T2 sin58.8 = 408.66N ----------------(2) Combine (1) into (2), T1 sin42.2 + (T1 cos42.2)(sin58.8) / (cos58.8) = 408.66 T1 ( sin 42.2 + cos 42.2 tan 58.8) = 408.66 T1 = 215.66N Subst T1 = 215.66N into (1), T2 = (T1 cos42.2) / (cos58.8) = 308.4N Hope it is correct ^^
we need to know if we don't connect the red wire and just cap it off.
Get a volt meter and test between the white wire (place probe on white wire) and the red and black wire and see if you have power to either or both if both just chose either black or red and cap the other off, or see if one of the colors is attached to a switch,that should connect to a light kit if you have one, the connection should be between the white and one of the colors the green is the ground and gets attached to the ground wire on the fan.
Looking for legit (good) speaker wire?or does it depend? are all speaker wire good?the speaker wires are for car audio
Hi, look for oxigen free copper wire, that is UWG certified first off. Then shielding comes into play and then wire twist and then wire strand count. Tsunami, rockford fosgate are pretty common so start there first.
I removed my old door chime/bell a few years ago and replaced it with a wireless one. That one quit working and now I am attempting to install a new wired one again. The only problem is, when I removed my old one way back, I failed to label the existing wires to where they go. I have two wires coming out of my wall mount, one white, one brown and the both have a white and red wire sticking out of them. I am not sure which one/ones will connect to the FRONT and TRANS posts on my new chime. I don't have a rear door bell button so that is not a problem. Which wire goes to the FRONT and TRANS and do I cap off any of the 4 wires? My installation instructions don't cover the mindless mistake of not having the wires labled.
Garage door springs are part of the garage door itself, not the garage door opener. That said, it must also be added that the springs make it much easier to raise and lower the door. They generally last a long time, and they have only one function. But over time, all that lifting, through all those weather changes, tend to weaken the metal and lead to a break. In my case, the springs appeared to be original to the house, which means they've been at work since 1956. Once you understand that long record of service, it becomes a little hard to complain when they finally break down. And break down they did. It was a Sunday afternoon, and we were sitting around the quiet house reading. Suddenly, we heard a large noise that sounded like a very heavy object had fallen on the roof, or maybe a car had driven into the side of the house. I quickly started hunting around for the cause, and couldn't find a thing. So much noise, and no noticeable cause? Didn't make sense . . . until I went out later and tried to open the garage door. Even then, it took me some time to figure out that the spring had split. Once I discovered it (see photo), I knew I'd found the source of the noise. With a broken spring and a solid wood door to a two-car garage, you really can forget about opening the door. I couldn't lift it more than an inch.
I have some salvaged wire from a computer power supply and would like to know it's break-down voltage rating. Most hookup wire is rated at 600 volts but unfortunately, all computer stuff is now made in China. The repair job of a vintage piece of equipment requires wire that can withstand 300 VAC.
Well as it turned out, wire ratings are stamped on the jacket and after a quick look-up, determined salvaged wire from the typical computer power supply is rated for 300 volts.
4.A uniform semicircular sign 1.00 m in diameter and a weight of 325 N is supported by two wires. What is the tension in each of wires supporting the sign?
the sum of the tension of both wires must add up to 325N if both wires are equal distance from the center of sign then the tension on each wire is 325/2=162.5 if the wires are at different distances you need to the distances to get the answer
I bought Nexxtech Evolution series 16 gauge 30' wire to be able to bring my rear speakers farther back in my room. I have an Altec Lansing 5.1 speaker system with remote and all the speakers connect to the back of the sub. (front are red wire, center is blue, and rear is gray) they are all have the black wire and the colored wire. The wire I just bought are brown, and have a stripe of gray on the second wire (polarized wires) but the ones I bought are much thicker wire... will it still work to just strip/twist/tape the wires to extend the rear speakers? or did I buy the wrong wire? and also, how do I know which to twist with which? (the ones I bought aren't really that clear on which is which... which end is positive and which is negative).Answer quickly please!
You are going to strip twist the wires together to make it longer? Just be really careful that the wires don't touch and short, that can blow out the reciever. It would be best to get some heat shrink tubing to cover the wires and then you could use a blow dryer to apply heat. This makes a tight secure connection. I think Radio Shack sells it. As to which wire is - and * you can connect speakers either way and it won't damage them. So why do speakers have red and black connectors? Well to get the best sound they should be in phase. To show what I mean take a flashlight battery and connect it to a speaker. If you connect it one way you'll see the speaker cone push out, reverse the battery and speaker cone will pull in. So what you want is all speakers wired the same way for the best sound.