Drano Aluminum Foil Reaction

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I need to make a 3D ear shape for my graphics worki'm fairly limited on materials because i can't afford to buy any new ones so i'll have to use whatever ive got in the house.ive tried building the ear shape up out of tissue cotton wool on paper, but it was really tricky since an ear is so 3di also tried moulding blutack into in ear shape and paper macheing over it but it just turned out way too flat because the blutack was too hard to work into such a delicate shape such as an ear.then i saw tutorials on how to paper mache a face shape (using aluminium foil and paper macheing over it) but the foil was too stubborn to fill all the holes of the ear.please help me out guys!
I would try papier mache again, but in a different wayDon't use tin foil, as it just makes for a more difficult time sculptingTake a photograph of someone's ear or find a picture onlineUse that picture for reference as you sculpt the ear flat on the table(By the way, you don't even need any kind of glue or paste!) Papier mache is an especially good choice for this project, as it is very soft and flexibleHope this helps!
As for the use of aluminum foil paper,which side is the front side?which side do we use when using the baking oven?
The non-bright side is used to wrap the food while the bright side is used to spread over the plate.
I did a little experiment where paper shapes could hold kilograms of weight, But then I looked next to me and saw a thing that holds a beaker above a Bunsen Burner and that could definitely hold much more weightThen I thought, what would be a metal equivalent of paper, of course foil came to mind.So of course paper could be stronger for a while but at what point would foil be stronger than paper.People use foil to wrap up their food because (one reason) it because it stays crumbled and is designed to crumblePaper unfolds itself so paper is stronger.What point?
By most definitions, I think aluminium is always stronger than paper.
Right now, I'm using a medium-large toaster oven to cook TV dinners, pot pies, frozen pizza, etc Can I roast raw beef chicken in it too? (chicken explodes in the microwave) How should I roast meat in a toaster oven? Covered or uncovered? Wrapped in aluminum foil? How about meat loaf? Can I make meat loaf in a toaster oven?Any other suggestions are very welcomeThanks a lot!.
Parchment paper works great
I think it has something to do with pressure distribution.For the Same volume which of these will hold the water at less pressure cylinder or sphere.And which has larger surface area or volume between the cylinder or sphere
true, aerodynamics would most likely be a factor, but i think becauues of its ability to withstand the pressure of waterSpheres and cylinders aare one of the stronger shapes, thats why butane cans are cyldrical, but have an inverted half sphere on the bottomAs for your questionI believe the cylinder will hold the water at less pressure simply because it would be bigger and the metal will expand (even a fraction) much easier than a spherewhich has the larger volume? assume a cylinder 4 meters tall with a diameter of 4 metersand a sphere is 4 meters in diameterAnd assume they are both filled 90% of their capacity(im orunding results to 2 decimal) Volume of cyliner pie x r2 x H 50.27m3 x .9 45.243 Volume of sphere 4/3?r3 33.51 x .9 34.41 there you go, a cylinder will hold more water
When carbonated beverages containing acids are packaged in Aluminium cans the cans are lined with a plastic coating so that the beverage does not come in contact with the metalExplain why and what might happen if the plastic were not present.
as we know that carbonated beverages contains acid mainly carbonic acid (h3co3)and the cans are made up of aluminium which is a very reactive metal So if both of them acid (carbonated beverages) and metal (aluminium) comes in contact the react very rapidly and forms co2 h2o and other by-products due to which the taste and properties of the beverage will be lost so there is a plastic coating to protract their contact
3s^2 3p^1 -gt; 3s^0 3p^0
I have found a simple oneYou can do the exercises at homeAnd the eating plan is healthy and it worksYou should trim about 8 pounds a month on itGood luck to you!
My male cat is right under 1 year oldWe got him fixed about 3 months agoHe's always been really hyperactive and frankly, destructiveHe's not generally affectionate, which isn't really a problem, it's just that he has a tendency to break things and pee on my stuffWe had to put safety latches on our food cabinets in the kitchen because at night he would get into them and throw things in bags all around the kitchen, tear the bags, etcWe play with him a lot (though not with toys), and he is an aggressive little bugger (likes to bite and scratch)If it was just my stuff he was breaking, I'd be a little less upset but he recently knocked my roommate's DVD player off of the TV and the RCA cable prongs broke off in the DVD playerI don't want to get rid of him, he's my baby, but I just don't know what to doI'm going to buy him some more toys, and hope that he'll mellow out with age but I need him to be less crazy NOWI feel like a really bad pet owner or somethingAhhh.Any suggestions? Thank you.
Try searching for videos along with the instructions in the forum sourced.