Define Solar Module

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I had an idea for new parabolic solar panels shaped like horseshoes. They can install them outside buildings facing the equator. They could angle them from the ground based on how many degrees latitude the location and rotate them according to seasonal changes. The disadvantage of photovoltaic panels is that they are not all capable of receiving direct sunlight. That is the quintessential reason I believe horseshoe solar panels are more effective than flat rectangular ones. One side could function in the morning; the middle could perform at midday; and the other could operate during the evening. That method seems more sensible than hourly positioning. I'm certain horseshoe panels could save and produce more electricity. A football stadium, shopping mall, or outlet center would be a fantastic place. What do you think?
Sounds like you are thinking which is excellent. Now do a controlled experiment. Using a prototype of your receiver and measure it against existing technology. You could do a computerized mock up.
I am doing a school project and we need to find the cost of solar panels for our school. The problem is i don't know what size the system needs to be. Is it 000 watts or 000000 watts?Also can you find the cost of the system?Thanks
Good question I am uncomfortable doing my child's homework so I will not complete the assignment for you. I am also always willing to help. Having the kWh is a great start. You must also ask the question when you size a system is there any way to reduce this load. Each kWh that you do not have to produce saves significant cost to the system. Next what type of system grid tied or off grid the two systems will have very different size needs and overall cost. I googled PV system sizing and got the below link. at first glance I like it. You can do the same for system cost. I also included a trade link for your review factors in sizing system type amount of bill offsetting geographic location site location track mounted or fixed and more Should you need additional help you can email me I will not do your work for you but I can either verify it or point you in the right direction
Could you have a solar panel in space that would transmit electricity remotely? Maybe have some kind of receiving antenna to pick up the energy? Perhaps there could be a string of them orbiting the Earth?Why wouldn't that work?
There are thousands of satellites in space with solar panels, but none of them are designed as power stations. Transmitting power using radio frequencies would be profoundly inefficient. A string of satellites orbiting the Earth would be incredibly expensive. Even if solar power were to reach economic viability, we would put them on the ground where we could use them. Given the amount of advanced renewable sources of energy already being developed there is absolutely no reason to launch a power plant into space. Wow - watched the youtube video... that is possible the worst invention ever and I hope it never catches on. The last thing we need are retards who are too lazy to plug in their phones wasting electricity on highly inefficient wireless transfer when many parts of the world are facing energy shortages. Regular chargers are already bad enough because they constantly drain electricity even when not in use. I am definitely not an environmental saint but this thing is just stupid.
Yes, solar panels do require some maintenance. Regular cleaning to remove dirt and debris is necessary to ensure optimal performance. Additionally, checking for any signs of damage, such as cracks or loose connections, is important. Routine inspections and occasional repairs or replacements may be needed to keep the solar panels functioning efficiently.
hey so im doing this project for my technology class and i was wondering what different colours solar panels can be. also is it possible to have kentic power as a back up power if batteries dont work? thx in advance
Panels can come in a selection of colors, and trimmed in a variety of frames. Most are dark, black, blue or reddish in hue. Concentrators may appear white from a distance. Kinetic back up is possible in the form of a flywheel. Not very common but it is out there. Another form of kinetic backup that is used by some power companies is hydro. When the sun is out and the system is producing more than is used, the excess can be used to pump water uphill to a holding tank. Then when there is a demand, the water is allowed to flow back down turning a turbine to generate electricity.
I got an 8v solar panel for a project today, the only problem is that it came without any wires attached to it. Now i don't know what type of wires i should use and if i should solder them on or if i should use epoxy instead. Can anybody help me out?
6 gauge wire would be a good size. Just solder it on and run it wherever you want.
i am very new to the solar world and i need help with some stuff to understand what i need to do.what AH battery should i use? i am planning on getting a 2V deep cycle gel based battery but i want to get the most power for my system so should i use something like a few 00AH in a battery bank system or a bunch or 50 or so amp hour batteries in a bank. also what kind of power am i looking at for the best battery system. in other words what kind of basic appliances like lighting, laptop,space heaters etc can can i run on the selected battery system and for how long? any help would be highly appreciated.
This site has some good info and links to more info about renewable and alternative energy. Hope it helps you. Good luck.
The amount of energy a solar panel can produce depends on several factors, including its size, efficiency, and location. On average, a residential solar panel system can generate anywhere from 10 to 20 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per square meter per day. However, this can vary significantly based on sunlight availability, panel orientation, and weather conditions.