Ceiling Fan Hampton Bay

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What is an electric fan?
The fan is mainly composed of fan head, fan blade, net cover and control device
Where does the fan drip the oil?
To cheer for as long as the front axle and add a few points on the line, but to the correct way, the vertical axis, the oil in the bearings, give it a free fall, can get into the bearing, with hand up and down, make the oil more fast forward to the inside, repeated several times, will be able to solve the problem
What is the difference between the natural wind and the sleeping wind?
The fan blows for half an hour before the natural wind, and then for half an hour, medium natural wind, and finally blow down the natural wind to the set time
What is the principle of a vaneless fan?
No leaf fan operation, the motor base in the first air inhaled from many hole edge, then the air pushed upward into the hollow pipe ring, the pipe on the side of the thick, with a ring of narrow slit, the air ejected from the slot; at the Bainuliding law, these the air flow will produce a lower pressure in the middle ring, thus driving the rear ring, on the surrounding air flows toward the front of the ring together, blowing.
How to measure the quality of fan motors with digital multimeter?
The DC resistance between the 3 wires is measured respectively by the multimeter. The maximum value is the resistance value of the starting winding and the running winding, followed by the resistance value of the starting winding and the resistance value of the running winding.
Fans can shake their heads, but fan leaves do not turn, where is the reason?
Most of the motor burn is accompanied by lack of oil in main shaft.
How long can the electric fan be timed?
One is mechanical timer, and the other one is spring. At most, it can be fixed for one hour
How should an electric fan be used?
Turn on the fan too long, the body will cause discomfort. Body temperature will decrease with the evaporation of large amounts of sweat, over time, it is easy to cause cold, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, to properly open, it is recommended to open for about 1 hours is appropriate.