Black Anodized Aluminum Foil

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Will the new processing plant, associated with the installation, is not the business tax and value-added tax have to pay, is the value-added tax, then the tax burden to achieve how much? Small-scale good, or the general taxpayer good
1, steel doors and windows do not belong to the national tax [2002] No. 117, said the "self-produced goods", according to the provisions of No. 117, respectively, according to the mixed sales, the full payment of value-added tax. (The income of the doors and windows is much larger than the income of the installation fee for the income of the doors and windows for the year and the income of the installation fee); ?????2, decoration company occurred on the purchase of goods purchased re-processing, there is a VAT taxable goods production process, the tax should be regarded as the production unit of goods, when its self-produced goods for non-taxable items , It should be regarded as sales of value-added tax, while the business to pay business tax. As for the business tax of the installation business tax can reduce the value of doors and windows, should see whether the steel doors and windows are based on the provisions of Finance and Taxation [2003] No. 16, the provincial local tax authorities listed equipment; ????3, the decoration itself belongs to the business tax services, decoration company itself is not a production unit, which is the decoration of the steel doors and windows, is to install a part of the business, should not be paid as VAT, so the business should be full Pay business tax, not VAT.
Plastic door switch door when the door is getting bigger and bigger how to do? I was renovated in December last year, the installation of steel doors, the use of six months are better, but nearly half a year, every time the switch door, door hinge (as if) will have a very loud squeak sound. Especially at night, it is harsh. Which is any skill to teach me? Thank you Oiling will bring a troubles: more likely to fouling, leading to the impact of beauty. I would like to know whether this sound represents a fault phenomenon?
Organic oil, the best way is to use a disposable syringe to the oil into the hinge on the line, if there is no oil can use edible oil or candles will do, I often use this method, very good
Do you have a plastic door?
Energy-saving plastic doors and windows than other doors and windows in energy saving and improve the indoor thermal environment, there are more superior technical characteristics. According to the Institute of physical testing, single glass, aluminum window heat transfer coefficient of 64W / M2K; single glass steel window heat transfer coefficient is 47W / M2K or so; ordinary double glass of steel, aluminum window heat transfer coefficient Is 3.7W / M2K or so; and double glass plastic steel window heat transfer coefficient of about 2.5W / M2K. Doors and windows accounted for 30% of the construction area of the outer envelope, the heat accounted for 49%, which shows that plastic windows have a very good energy efficiency.
How can a steel-steel pulley change it? Thank you!
First in the door on the cover to go down (in the material is the plane of the plane, with a flat screwdriver from the above or below the port pry open), and then lift the door up the whole, the following can be withdrawn from the track, After the pulley is changed, the door can be loaded in the reverse order. Hope you can understand.
Will the steel doors and windows are good, or aluminum alloy is good, the living room bedroom needs a large area!
402 stainless steel is good
What is the difference between steel doors and stainless steel doors and windows?
Plastic steel doors: PVC, modified PVC, resin and other major raw materials, according to certain design requirements, in accordance with relevant national standards, in the profile cavity filled with lining steel (lining steel generally 1.5mm galvanized cold Steel), with a special machine for cutting, welding, installation made. Stainless steel: stainless steel acid is short, resistant to air, steam, water and other weak corrosive media or stainless steel with stainless steel known as stainless steel; and chemical resistance to corrosion medium (acid, alkali, salt and other chemical erosion) corrosion The steel is called acid resistant steel.
Sanmen doors and windows OKorder broken bridge aluminum doors and windows brand
To say the price of doors and windows, in fact, have to look at the requirements of the doors and windows (this is actually quite like the car) to the economy is flat window, aluminum alloy price per square meter difference 50 --- 200 yuan, plus flat Window hardware, hollow glass 5 +9 +5 probably the price is 380 --- 580 period; if you choose the luxury version is open within the back of the window, the difference between the hardware on the big German Noto 300 yuan / sets, plus On the profile is about the price of 550 ---- 880 yuan period. Plastic doors and windows are divided into many kinds, to see what you want to window type, choose what profiles, what kind of hardware I list the price of Huifeng profiles, sliding window 150-200 yuan, flat window 248 ---- 328 period, within Open the inside of the window 358 --- 458 during the period.
What are the specific models, and how to define
Plastic doors and windows by way and performance division, mainly in the following series: 1, according to the opening way is divided into: fixed windows, hanging windows, hanging windows, hanging windows, vertical window, flat windows and doors, pulley flat window, pulley window, flat open under the doors and windows, sliding doors and windows, Window, folding door, to the spring door, to enhance the sliding door, push the folding door, inside the sliding door. 2, according to performance is divided into: ordinary doors and windows, sound insulation doors and windows, insulation doors and windows. Plastic doors and windows are made of polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) resin as the main raw material, plus a certain proportion of stabilizers, colorants, etc., by extrusion molding, and then by cutting, welding or screwing made of doors and windows frame fan, Equipped with sealing tape, tops, hardware, etc., at the same time to enhance the rigidity of the profile, more than a certain length of the cavity needs to fill the steel lining (ribs), made of portal windows, called steel doors and windows.