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It's a known fact with metal fan that most metalheads hate the Hair Metal sub-genre of Heavy Metal music from the 1980s. The thing is if Hair Metal was never born and had never exploded with success due to MTV thrash might have never became what it did and a lot of other sub-genres of metal may have been overlooked or never created at all. I personally love Hair Metal just as much as all the other sub-genres with Thrash Metal being my #1 favorite type of metal being tied with Hair Metal. I wanna know your thoughts on the Hair Metal bands and songs do you love, like, think its alright, or hate it with a passion and why?
Technically (or by the book) as a genre by themselves, no. When mixed with Extreme Metal type genres yes. There are a few bands that have these characteristics like the Power/Death of Into Eternity, Mercenary and Unleash The Archers and Progressive Black Metal of Ne Obliviscaris. Check 'em out. Personally I hate the term of 'Extreme Metal' because it really means nothing, kinda like Nu Metal which is a group of genres that music critics either don't want to take the time to put a name to their style with any sort of accuracy or too lazy to. It's the let's just throw a band in this genre and done with it mentality. Metal has been mish-mashing for more than 40 years in an extreme genre that bands strive to be different from one another. To call one Metal band extreme and not another is separated by mere degrees and really not worthy of my time to worry about.
The list can be as long or as short as you like. Trying to widen my music taste; so far Sabbath is my fave metal band. If you want you can list the subgenre or organize them in subgenres or something. :]
Megadeth - Holy Wars Kreator - The Ancient Plague Rammstein - Ich tu der weh Iron Maiden - Hallowed be thy name Metallica - Blackened Sepultura - Desperate Cry Sodom - Agent Orange System of a Down - Attack Testament - Into the pit Slayer - South of Heaven Even though i am indian, and i have no idea what the hell Rammstein songs mean, i still like em. im 14 btw.
any metal bands with in between death growls like not as guttural and deep as most death metal and not as high pitched as most black metalor any clean vocaled metal bands that are in the middle
Different metals have different properties which make them useful to humans, for doing a wide range of things. Shininess: metals such as bronze have been used as mirrors for thousands of years. Also, shiny things are attractive, so metals have been used for decoration and jewellry. High melting and boiling point: Some metals such as tungsten, have very high melting and boiling points. These are useful in places where you need metals which can stand a lot of heat, such as in smelters and boiler and such. Malleable: some metals such as copper and gold are very malleable: this means they bend and flatten easily when hammered or otherwise compressed. Very useful for coating things (a small amount of gold can be used to coat a large area: very useful for decorating buildings and statues and such!!), and anywhere you need a flexible metal. Also, malleable metals can be formed easily into all kinds of useful tools just by using a hammer and an anvil - blacksmiths use this property of metals to great advantage, to fashion useful tools and implements. Ductile: Ductibility is the ability of a material to be stretched into wires: copper, gold, aluminium, steel, etc. Wire is essential for electronics, which our civilization depends upon heavily. Ductibility can also be used to make things like nails: just stretch a piece of metal into a long, thick wire and cut it at reagular intervals and flatten one end: viola, nails!! Sonorous metals: for music, especially bells and brass instruments!!
a major difference between metals and nonmetals is that metal atoms lose their outer electrons whereas nonmetals prefer to gain electrons. Why is this statement true. Please explain.
for my section i do no longer see something incorrect with having many subgenres. form isn't a bad element. i'll confess they are alot of pointless subgenres and that i hate it how there is a few so referred to as subgenres that are subgenres as a results of lyrical topic like Viking metallic. I additionally admit form debates get actual annoying and alot of subgenres do create form nazism. MQ2 modern metallic death metallic Black metallic Sludge metallic Punk Hardcore Punk Stoner metallic Doom metallic Metalcore placed up metallic modern Rock storage Rock Symphonic metallic Thrash metallic individuals metallic Avant-garde metallic determination Rock individuals metallic classic Heavy metallic Surf Rock Blues Rock Psychedelic Rock Psychobilly placed up Punk ability metallic BQ Yay, better than I predicted
Bands of a variety of genres like: Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Alternative Metal, Thrash Metal, Industrial Metal, Metalcore, Hardcore(Punk), Deathcore, Nu Metal, Death Metal, Post-Hardcore, Gothic Metal, and Black Metal.
As okorder
What is the difference between death, black, and doom metal?
Killer Peaches has some really great stuff listed in their reply. I would also suggest: Kamelot Savatage (This is where the band Trans Siberian Orchestra originated from.) Therion Rhapsody (Rhapsody of Fire) Edguy (specifically check out the album Vainglory Opera) Avantasia Fairyland Symphony X Ayreon There's a few sites linked below that might also be insightful.
Is there a special way to clean/take care of metal jewelry? I clean them with cloth after use but why is making them smell like metal. I know because they are metal but sometimes they can smell pretty bad.
Why do some people hate Black Veil Brides despite their being a awesome band?
I was just wondering why do alkali metals react with water.
Black Sabbath is Metal and so is Metallica. Just different sounds from different bands. Metallica is a little faster paced than Sabbath and arguably a bit heavier.