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And how is it different from death metal?BQ: Do you like death or black metal better?
I'm a 15 year old girl and love heavy metal, new and old.
I'm a 17 year old boy and I love Death metal..I mean, I only know that because some of my songs are listed as Death Metal..What's the difference between it all? I'd like to know what I enjoy more. This is what I listen to.
My pal PENNY had the identical main issue along with her steel detecting. She didn`t reap a BRASS FARTHING except she met Nick. He`s a COPPER with a coronary heart of GOLD, nerves of steel and he persuaded her to SOLDER on. So I`ll contact him for you as I`m certain that NICKLE be ready to variety it out and ALLOY all of your fears.
how do these differglam metalblack metalthrash metaldoom metal hair metalheavy metal
A ferrous metal is a metal that has been aggravated to the point of fury. They are best represented by the chemical equation: metal + trollface -> ferrous metal A good way to produce them is to combine older memes and internet forums, such as 4chan or reddit.
Which type of metal do you like better? I don't know why, but I am more into European Metal bands more. I just think that European Metal is more passionate than American Metal. I even admit that and I live in the U.S.
my dying bride
Can someone please give me a BRIEF, EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND explanation of the following metal music genres and an example of a band for each one? (Or at least just some of them please)Alternative metal Avant-garde metalBlack metal Christian metal Death metal Doom metal Drone metal Extreme metalFolk metal Glam metal Gothic metal Groove metal Heavy metalIndustrial metal Metalcore Neo-classical metal Nu metal Pirate metalPost-metal Power metal Progressive metal Rap metalSludge metal Speed metal Stoner metal Symphonic metalThrash metal Viking metal Also, which genre do you think is best?Thank You!!!!!!!
Im okorder
All I want you to do is to tell me what subgenre of rock/metal that you think the following bands would most likely be placed under.In FlamesToolKillswitch EngageDream TheaterAlice In ChainsSoundgardenThe OffspringNine Inch NailsFirewindBeastie BoysChildren of BodomRadiohead
The forums and reviews are full of elitist morons but the band pages are quite reliable, I use that site to look up Metal bands, I think the Metal Archives are ten times better than Wikiepdia in terms of Metal despite all the Genre Nazism and elitism that runs on that site. it's a decent site. I use that site to look up Metal bands and sometimes read reviews on albums but I don't bother going on the forums.
lose electrons and form ions?.....when does a metal stop losing ions?
For the sake of the question, i'll say Regular. You didn't list any Death, Black, Progressive, Power, or Speed Metal bands in your 'Regular' metal part. I love all the bands you listed as 'regular' metal. Nu-Metal is not to my taste. The dislike the other genres that are incorporated into the music, such as like Hip Hop, Industrial, Grunge, and Electronica are mixed with metal. I like it when bands incorporate Jazz, Classical, Hardcore Punk, Progressive Rock, and other 'Regular' metal genres into their music. I also can't get into the riifs that alot of Nu-Metal bands come up with, but again, this is due to the other genres mixed in. I have actually checked out Nu-Metal when some bands were recommended to me by friends at school, but I just can't get into it. The same goes for the genres they mix with metal. Maybe one day I'll like it, but right now It's just not to my taste. @ Q: I may not be an expert in music (I did receive the music award in grade 10, does that count XD), but I think there would be alot of metal bands that produce their music similarly. Look up Morbid Angel's albums Blessed are the Sick and Covenant, read into them and watch interviews with their guitarist Trey Azagthoth. The same goes for Death, especially their later works. Those two bands are Death Metal, only one genre in the vast expanse of Metal genres, so even if they don't prove my point, I'm sure there are bands that do XD
Is it a sub-genre of black metal? Is it basically black metal with pagan lyrics?
Well I'm really into the Scandinavian Christian Extreme Metal scene, pretty big on Norwegian Black Metal, and also into Finnish Folk Metal.