Attaching Solar Panels To Roof

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i was told that by making a solar panel they cause more pollution than they will end up getting rid of. Is that true?
Absolutely not. This is a myth. The energy payback of a solar panel far outweighs its cost. With current technology (which is vastly improving every year), the payback begins in about -4 years depending on climate. This means that after -4 years, the solar panel has generated the same amount of energy that was used in its entire creation up until the point that it was installed. The panel will then continue to generate power for another 20-25 years at 90-98% capacity if properly maintained. The U.S. Department of Energy has conducted extensive studies on the subject and the results (which i'm quoting) can be viewed on their PV Faq page...
Yes, solar panels can be used to power an electric fence. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which can be stored in batteries or used directly to power various devices, including electric fences. This off-grid solution is eco-friendly and cost-effective in areas without access to electricity.
name things someone could use solar panels for or make with solar panels? (use solar energy i mean?)
Solar panels can produce enough energy to run your average size unit (depends on panel size). It cost you bit more but its for once in all, average panel age limit is above 20 years (approx) so it can save you a lot, also environment friendly. Basic Panel can support your lights which are mostly used in any premise, even your TV, computer and stereo system. Is that enough to save and entertain you?.....Think so.
is a wind turbine better than solar panels
Both solar and wind production is largely a function of location. If you live in the southwest where the sun shines most days, maybe solar is an option. If you happen to live in one of the wind corridors, maybe wind is an option. Neither one will be as reliable and cheap as your grid power, though. Best is to concentrate on conservation of energy use.
Yes, solar panels can be installed in extreme temperatures. However, extreme temperatures can affect the efficiency and performance of solar panels. High temperatures can cause a decrease in power production, while extremely low temperatures can make the panels less efficient. To mitigate these effects, solar panels are designed to withstand a wide range of temperatures and are often equipped with temperature management systems to regulate their temperature and optimize their performance.
If a solar panel (using 36 3x6 solar cells) puts out 60 watts, how many panels would I need (for a house) if I use a max of 2300 kWh in a month? I checked my electric usage for the past 2 years and the kWh is usually lower but I wanted to use the most kWh used (2300) for my question. Thanks!
One key piece of information missing is the average number of peak sun hours per day. This will vary by location. It is latitude, regional weather, and site shading must be considered. Another consideration is the loses. The 60 watt solar panel is a DC voltage. The 2300 kWh is for the AC power consumed. There are loses in the inverter to change the electricity from DC to AC. There are also loses for wire resistance, soiling of the panels, wire resistance, etc. To work out an example of the math, I'll use 5 peak sun hours and a total efficiency of 80%. The math can be worked out as a single formula but I'll break it into steps for you. (2300 kwh/month)(month/30.4 days) = 75.65 kWh/day (60 W)(5 psh)(80%) = 240 Wh/day = 0.24 kWh/day/panel # of panels needed = Energy use / Energy generated (75.65 kWh/day) / (0.24 kWh/day/panel) = 36 panels.
I have a solar panel, charge regulator, that all I need to tie it into my grid? Do I just plug the solar panel into the charge regulator into the inverter into any 0v outlet? I feel like im missing something....
No don't do that unless you want a fire or worse electricution . DO NOT PLUG INTO THE WALL . st solar panel 2nd regulator 3rd 2 volt battery 4th inverter . The inverter should have 0 volt terminals that look like the plug on the wall . You would plug your TV or light into that the inverter . You would need an electrition to hook into your home electrical system . They will hook up a device made to tie into the grid or your meter that will make it run backwards but it takes alot of solar panels too do that . Please do not plug into wall .
Do LED lamps ever go bad?What's the life expectancy of solar panels?
ED stands for light emitting diode, an electronic device which turns electric power into light with nearly perfect efficiency. When used in flashlight or othe battery powered lights, they will provide equal amounts of light for 00 times as long as ordinary incandescent light bulbs. Because of there very low power usage, led light are ideal for solar powered lighting systems. They are now made in every form and size, for DC or AC power, for homes, automobiles and outdoor lighting. Although they cost more, the savings from 20 year life expectancy and % power use mean savings of 95% over several years. sunsourcepower