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i am bed shopping....brand?? best in COMFORT?(can't afford sleep number bed)
jamison mattress
I have found a couple cute crib bedding sets, cheap too. I'm undecided if I want to buy a set or buy individual pieces? I can get everything in a set for cheaper and everything will match. But, the comforter will just be decoration since it's so heavy and I'm leaning towards getting breathable bumpers instead of the thick padded ones. The skirt ruffle isn't important either. If I buy individual pieces, I want them to match. What did you do for your little one?
I bought a bedding set- but it's rarely on the bed at the same time! I would say you are definitely fine with a mix match set and it could be fun if it all compliments each other- the way the little kids go through sheets is amazing. Especially if you want to go with a specific breathable bumper- you wouldn't need the whole bedding set- I do like the crib comforter though. My son's almost two and we don't use the comforter very much, but it does look attractive on the crib, or dangling on the side :-)
My cousin has this Moses bed that you put the baby in. You put the baby in between the bumpers so that the baby don't roll in the middle of the night and have a dead infant in the morning. What exactly are Moses Beds? Are they good for newborns to sleep in?
Moses Beds/baskets' are just light and portable types of bassinets. It is a bed specifically for babies from birth to about four months, and small enough to provide a cocoon that small babies find comforting.
do you lay on your comfertor??? how to set up a nice comfy bed? is it mostly the matress? or what? my bed just doessent feel good
When you're making the most comfortable bed, two pillows simply won't do the trick. For most people, down pillows are essential. Select pillows with a high thread count to keep the down from escaping between the fabric's weave. Alternately, memory foam pillows that conform to the shape of your head and neck are also very popular. Queen- and king-size pillows give you more length and width than standard-size pillows. Softer pillows are ideal for tummy-sleepers, while those who sleep on their backs or sides may prefer a firmer pillow.
Should I move my 3 year old to a twin bed now, or wait until she physically outgrows the toddler bed?
I moved my toddler into a twin when she was three, mainly because we needed to convert the toddler bed back to a crib for the baby. But she loved her big girl bed. She got to have cool sheets and tons of pillows. In my case it was a huge success moving her to a bigger bed. It's all a matter of opinion. I have found that a bed is a bed. My daughter sleeps everywhere, on the floor, in the truck, on the sofa. Where ever her head hits when she is sleepy so changing her bed was no big deal. There is no right or wrong in this, does she fall out of bed? Does she toss and turn a lot while sleeping? ^.^ Good luck, I know this isn't that helpful but I changed beds when my daughter was three and no issues here.
I have bed bugs!!!....does diatomaceous earth REALLY work on bed bugs...or have i just been suckered in (like the rest of the country)
For what it may be worth: I have for many years taken a 500 mlg capsule of odor free garlic oil every day. I am convinced this is why I am not bothered by mosquitoes or any other such pest, (i.e. ticks fleas etc.). There is a person who rents a room from me and he brought home some bar floosy who has infested his room with bed bugs. He is leaving my home and when he is gone I will clean his room with a combination of steam and diatomaceous earth (not the swimming pool filter kind). I will report the outcome at that time but in the mean time I must mention he is eaten up while I have had not a single bite. I can not help but think the garlic has had something to do with this. If you try this it is well to remember; you will taste and smell it for the first few days (about a week) then the taste goes away. No one smells it on me and I associate the type of people who would tell me if they did. Garlic has other beneficial attributes also but I can attest to its ability to keep mosquitoes off me and I now suspect bed bugs off me as well. Again for what ever it may be worth. Cheers, Andrew.
I'm 13 and I'm moving. I'll have a somewhat small room so I want a loft bed. But my mom said I might get tired of it so I might get a day bed. Any advice?
a day bed a crappy bed , not a comfortable bed. you dont want a day bed to sleep in every night . What the heck is wrong with your mom ??? i never heard of any mom that would want a crappy bed like that for her kid. you need to sleep good each night to be your best. they make some loft beds that are only about 3/12 or 4 feet high so you can put your desk or dresser under them. show here one of those type loft beds. you dont have to buy a loft bed that 5 feet off the floor. just google walmart loft beds and look at all the ones that only about 4 feet high.
I want to find some blue teen bedding (single duvet and pillow case) for a girl, preferably with a surf/beach/swirls theme.
seek the internet, its constantly a super place to locate those issues. i could recomend getting her a cover because of the fact cover covers are user-friendly to locate and you will placed on a sparkling conceal in 5 minutes. if worst includes worst, get purple sheets, brown pillow circumstances, and a blue comforter! sturdy success!