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on a traditional pitched roof construction,where is heat insulation usually provided?
Generally, the insulation is blown in loose fiberglass to around 14 inches -- R 38, between the ceiling joists. Radiant barrier roof decking is often used in conjunction with this method, along with excellent attic ventilation to allow heat to escape. Sometimes, with foam insulation in new construction, the foam is installed between rafters, to create air conditioned attic. This is much more expensive, but if done right, can result in greatly lowered energy consumption. This method requires outside air having a way to get into the home, requires special AC and heat equipment, and if the wall insulation and window package aren't up to snuff, much of the effect is lost, resulting in wasted money -- tens of thousands of dollars, literally.
Help please, this home had a water pipe from meter brake in the basement as it was unoccupied/empty, the owner/builder replaced all the drywall, insulation, flooring, carpet, tile, roof, windows, hot water tank, furnace, bathroom and kitchen cabinets, new paint on all, basement ceiling was spray painted black (to hide something or to seal it?). the neighbor says the home was gutted and mold tested three times, its completely redone basically a new home inside, feedback please, it "looks" great
the only element i will think of of, is your carpet takes up allot of the moisture that comes into your homestead, so given which you took that carpet up, your having extra of a buildup on the tile, even nevertheless the flooring would desire to not be moist, they are nonetheless taking moisture in throughout the air. Bleach will help kill the mould, not on the plant life nevertheless, they make sprays for that at any homestead progression keep. desire this allows.
I've found lots of building forums and general "building advice" columns that go over very high-level pros/cons to choosing roofing material and insulation options, but I want a site where I can see hard costs of ordering each of the materials so I don't have to call up a ton of contractors or dealers. Does such a comparison site exist? Everyone offers quotes, but that takes too much time to apply for quotes to every dealer.I'm specifically interested in knowing what green options I can afford (cotton batting vs. formaldehyde-free fiberglass, etc.).
You could call ABC supply or Norandex Reynolds, they are the biggest distributors I know of. They may have some resources for you.
do I have to blow insulation in the roof of my mobile home if I install foam insulation under a meatle roof?
Vapor barriers always go on the heated side of walls or ceilings. If you are going to add insulation to your attic and don't want to put in more blown in insulation ( which does have a better R-factor) then purchase unfaced fiberglass insulation to put on top of existing insulation. The thing you need to avoid is called double vapor barriers. Years ago when the first started playing with super insulated houses they would put a poly on the inside and outside of the walls. What happened is any moisture picked up in the walls going from summer to winter would get trapped in the walls and rot them out. No matter what only one vapor barrier on the heated side of the insulation!!! Then your house can breath and release moisture regardless how thick your walls or ceiling.
The attic was converted into two rooms and I want to add insulation but the space between the ceiling of the rooms and the roof is about 5 inches? How should I do this?
u can buy blow in insulation. I think Home Depot even lets you rent the blower machine free if you buy a certain amount of bags of the insulation.
Foam and the new building technolodgy's are coming to New Orleans. The rebuilding is causing New Orleans to be the "Greenest City in America". Energy Efficiency and the proper buiilding techniques tak hold.
it is one of the strongest roof sealers and the best insulator available
I have a converted loft which is really cold. The roof doesn't have any insulation, just a waterproof sheet, but i don't want to spend too much insulating it with the proper boards. If i use mineral wool and staple it across the roof trusses will it do a good job?
Yes, be sure to leave an air space between the top of the insulation and the roof deck to allow for ventilation, and use a vapor barrier on the interior side of the insulation.
Hi, my building is hot in temperature in summers, so I am finding ways to tackle the problem by placing some heat insulating materials against the sunlight on the roof of my building. I have found several possible solutions, but none of them close to perfect. 1. grass layer: hard to maintain2. heat-insulating brick: might be too heavy to carry them to the roof3. heat-insulating coating: would it be damaged if we step on them? Are there things like heat-insulating carpets that would be convenient to instal?
Closed cell spray foam applied to the inside of your roof sheathing will work just fine. It needs to be installed by a specialty contractor. Good Luck