Aluminum Foil As Conductor

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i cant seem to find a place to put my power cable to the inner part of the car.i dont seem to find a decent place to drill a hole to or the firewall i think its what itscalled, im using a buick regal 1992.... i was thinking of putting it through the door, is that safe?is it done sometimes or not recommended at all?
I've gone through the door with 6 gauge wire, I wouldn't recommend this at all, but especially with anything larger than 6 gauge. It didn't really let any water in at all, but I must have gotten lucky, I've heard a bunch of horror stories with that. I'd say just look harder or if absolutely necessary, go through the floor, but make sure to seal it up good. Note: I was running a 450 watt amp at the time I had the 6 gauge wire, now I've got a 1000 watt mono amp with 0 gauge wire running through the firewall :-)
i replaced my ps2 power ribbon cable with a slightly diffrent ribbon cable but it had all the connections just like the original one. i plugged in my ps and i heard that slight clicking sound of the electricity entering the ps2's cuircut such as it always has when it was working fine. but when i plug the ps2 in the lights on the power buttons wont come on and they havent come on no matter whitch way i turn the cable. i would really like to get back to KH2 bugt this is getting annoying. what is up with my ps2 that even though everything is connected i cant seem to get the power lights to come on. help!
reassemble it again .pull out out the power cord and reattach it .it happened to me and thats what i did
I know they can control networks but what about cable, what is keeping cable channels from just showing hardcore pornography 24/7even showtime has a no bottom/no thrust/no rod rule.I don't have HBO so I don't know what they use, but still do we really need the FCC to censor its obvious that tv channels aren't desperate to put porn on the air so why do we need the FCC (other the the frequency adjustments for radio and what not)
The FCC controls what is broadcast over the air waves. Cable TV is by subscription only, so if you don't like the programming you don't subscribe. Broadcast TV requires no subscription and is freely available to anyone who turns on a TV set. If the FCC were not there to control broadcast TV you would soon see porn popping up everywhere, since it is about the only thing that sells.
turun these sentences from active to passive remember- only by plus a noun or pronoun if this information is necessary .
2. All the power cables were brought down by a storm. 3. What is he had invited her before last weekend?
i bought a video card off OKorder and i did everything but i don't know if i connect both of the cables to the power supply...i currently only connected one but do i do both…
You should really connect both, that way its getting the power it needs...though I ran a card on just one for a while and it was fine.
My computer speakers have a control tower(volume etc.) that plugs into the back of the subwoofer. I would like to move the tower further away from the sub then the cable allows. Is there an extension cable I could get?On the cable it says:2464 E205890 AWM 80C 300V VW-1SCThe end of the cable is round and has a row of two pins, then a row of 4 pins and then a row of 3 pins.
For Extend Power Cable!?. Find correct extention any store tools category Or find in internet Searching. Good Luck. Comentary: Take precaution about Where install and take all the precaution. I remember to find one in Lowes
I recently replaced my 300W Bestec power supply with a 600W corsair power supply. the 600W electric cable (the one that goes to the wall outlet) is too short, can i use the power cable of the 300W power supply ?
hardship examining your question. Are you asserting which you have microprocessor that hangs once you're utilising a generator? is the generator powering the microprocessor? sure, interestingly that noise spikes or another noise from the generator is inflicting the reminiscence interior the processor to be changed. Is the processor in a shielded field? the ability grant? Are there any filters on the generator? all of those can help. Are there any archives lines linked to the processor? they could be the best suspects. they might could be shielded.
If you have an electrical device (e.g. a laptop), you'll sometimes notice that near the place where you plug the power adapter into it, there's a sign. It's composed of 3 circles, minus on the left, O inside a C in the middle, and plus on the right.What is this? And if I want to read/learn more about it where should I go?
If you look at the jack that go inside the power input you will see that it is an outside connect and an inside one.The O is the inside connect and the C is the outside one.Because it is a DC power adapter it has a + and - polarity .O,the inside ,is the plus and C,the outside,is the minus. Also on the adapter you can see the same thing! This is because some brands use the outside connect as + and you can burn your device if you use it!!!!