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Definition of low carbon energy
Low carbon energy is an alternative to high carbon energy sources, it refers to carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions low or zero emissions of energy products, including nuclear energy and a part of renewable energy.
What is the energy consumption per unit product
(2) the individual energy consumption per unit product output refers to the amount of a certain amount of energy consumed in the production of a particular product. The index reflects the quantitative relationship between inputs and outputs. (3) the energy consumption per unit of comparable products refers to the total energy consumption per unit product of the same product in accordance with the standard process or standard product output under the same production conditions. Index Interpretation: this indicator reflects the level of production technology, product quality and management level of various industries and enterprises. It is the main index to evaluate the economic benefit and energy saving plan of the enterprise, and it is the important basis to formulate and modify the energy consumption quota and the product cost accounting. The characteristics of this index is, in the same industry between the various business units energy consumption comparable to eliminate similar between enterprises, because the product structure, production process, supply and demand structure caused by the different energy consumption are not comparable to the effect.
And the world's oil futures and other energy futures prices related to China's domestic futures varieties which futures? Seek expert futures and futures experts cited. Thank you
With what you said: you can now in accordance with these aspectsFirst: the basic energy and chemical categories are positively related, such as plastics, PVC, PTA what
What is the comprehensive calculation of energy production?
First of all, all kinds of energy products are calculated according to the physical quantity, physical quantity statistics reflect only the output of various energy varieties, not the total production of energy products
Mainly for PetroChina, Sinopec, the state-owned monopoly enterprises to discuss
The term "energy", in the past, was rarely talked about. It was the two oil crisis that made it a hot topic. Energy is the basic driving force for the development of the whole world and economic growth. Since the industrial revolution, energy security issues began to appear. With the rapid development of the global economy today, the international energy security has risen to the height of the country, all countries have developed energy security as the core energy policy. Over the next more than and 20 years, with the support of stable energy supply, the world economy has grown considerably. However, in the enjoyment of human beings from energy economic development, technological progress and other interests, also encountered a series of inevitable challenges of energy security, energy shortage, resource competition and excessive use of energy and environmental pollution caused by problems such as the threat to human survival and development.
Just hired, listen to the boss, in the United States seems to be subject to tariff barriers, it seems that Europe has to impose punitive tariffs...... Would like to ask the industry, the market will be the future development of the market?
Survival of enterprises will have a new world. But trade may be harder to do,
What is the general energy?What do we usually say about energy conservation?
Third as mentioned in this Law refers to energy saving, strengthen energy management, take technically feasible and economically reasonable and socially and environmentally acceptable measures to reduce all links from energy production to consumption in losses and waste, to use energy more efficiently and rationally.Fourth energy conservation is a long-term strategic policy of the country's economic development
What is the classification of energy?
Classification of a wide range of energy, but also through the continuous development and research,