36 Volt Lithium Battery

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I just bought a Canon Rebel 300D off OKorder and it came with 2 of the rechargeable battery pack things. I've gone through both already tonight and haven't taken the life expectancy of 400 shots. I was wondering if you can use AA batteries in them?
AA's last much shorter even if they would fit, to which I highly doubt. You don't expect 400 shots as a standard. If you keep the LCD on most of the time like when viewing and reviewing your shots, you'll go much lower than 400 for sure. Then if the batteries are old, it goes down further.
i have one of those light up head bands, mine has horns; and the battery pack sticks out on my head, how can i hide it, or how should i do my hair.
Get bangs and pin them up over the battery pack.
I bought a battery pack a few months ago, and it worked fine up until about a month ago. I went to turn the controller and console on using the controller one day and it just stopped working. This past Saturday morning, I went and picked up a new battery thinking it was the other battery pack. The new battery pack is charged, according to the play and charge cable LED indicator light. The controller still will not turn on without being plugged into the Xbox using the play and charge cable. The thing about all this is that when i put the standard AA battery pack in, the controller work fine.Anything I can do to fix this, SHORT OF BUYING A NEW CONTROLLER!!! Thanks!
So I think you are stating you have had this problem with two different charge packs, but with a battery pack it works? I would put a multimeter on the terminals of the controller and see if you are getting high or low voltages of it and possibly frying the charge packs.
. . . using a standard soldering iron, and without damaging the batteries, such as with rechargeable C or D -size cells.
The metal used in batteries do not hold solder. You'll have to spot-weld the wires. They do sell battery holders of various sizes to get higher voltages. You can solder these wires together to get still higher voltages and or current capacity.
Hello All,I am going to buy the Lowell ID Video Light.My questions is which battery pack should I buy? With what connectors should the battery pack use?Which are the good ones? Do not want to spend a massive amount of money, with in reason.
How long do you need the light to run at one time? You need enough battery to keep the light going at least that long, and probably 20% more than that. It is a fact of life that good batteries with enough capacity to keep you running for any amount of time cost a lot of money. There a dozens of choices, most of which can be bought with either sort of connector. Connector choices are cigarette lighter and phantom power if this is your only device that needs such a connector, the cigarette lighter type is as good as anything else. If you have other devices that need power, it makes sense to use one connector type between them. Having some lighter socket and some XLR just makes things more difficult.
For the past month or so the battery pack wont charge. It charges enough to stay on for maybe 5 mins and my Xbox says its got 1 bar and when i plug it in the light goes red (saying its charging) and then within 30 secs to a min it goes green(saying its charged). I've had the battery pack since around last X-Mas and not sure if theres anyway i can reset the pack or get the Xbox to pick up the pack as dead when its plugged in to charge. Anyone know?Note: By the light goes red i mean the part that plugs into the controller not the console itself
Battery packs have recently been messing up. The only thing i could tell you is to take it back to the store you got it from (with your reciept) and ask for a new one. (Battery packs arent that durable they last maybe a year then thats it.)
I have an older gem from 2003. The gel battery pack is too far drained to be recharged. If I call for a repair, they'll charge $225. Is this something I can do and with what tools? Thanks.(More info, 10 points.)
Most batteries only last a couple of years.
I have 3 rechargeable battery packs, but I only need one because I have a PlayCharge Kit. Does anyone know if GameStop will buy rechargeable battery packs?
I dont think they would but try asking them